• CABE, The CT Association Of Boards Of Education, Is Another Education Group Pushing Equity Into Schools

    February 23, 2024
    Screenshot, CABE

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    Current and former leaders of the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE), President Donald Harris and Executive Director Robert Rader, who stepped down in 2022, say that CABE "prides itself on its commitment to equity" so much that it published an Equity Toolkit, which was sent to Board Chairs and Superintendents in Connecticut.

    CABE believes it can help members better understand issues such as implicit bias, white privilege and systemic racism. Without understanding these issues, CABE asserts that one cannot make "progress" on racism in order to reach the elusive goal of "equity".

    Furthermore, CABE says it has learned that "equity work" is never finished and you cannot expect closure. The work is "difficult and slow" and requires "every individual" to be committed. Until "justice" finally "prevails", CABE wants you to know its fully committed to doing "the work".

    Rader said in a position paper entitled, "Truth, Reconciliation and the Path Forward", that "society naturally provides whites with certain advantages that have to be 'earned', if they are possessed at all, by people of color."

    He further describes “white privilege” as a perception that some would say is “fact” and then repeats misinformation and disinformation about institutional racism to support his position.

    About CABE's Equity Toolkit?

    The equity toolkit suggests that “excellence in equity” requires knowing what students' lives are like outside of school, how they learn outside of school, and what challenges the students and their families face.  The toolkit encourages school boards to engage in discussions of cultural competency with the community, and to make policy decisions using the “equity lens” which by now most people recognize is a euphemism for employing the tenets of critical race theory.

    CABE offers a long list of DEI resources which includes the Peggy Mcintosh article White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack that was used Greenwich Schools four years ago, and an Ibram X. Kendi article about how to build an antiracist movement.  They share a sample race equity tool from Seattle that guides schools on how to be antiracist, and an “equity lens” procedure from Portland schools.

    Additionally, CABE recommends the controversial group that has been accused of grooming children, GLSEN, as a resource for LGBTQ issues.  

    It also recommends the Anti-Defamation League as a resource for transgender lesson plans, such as Transgender Identity and Issues and Discussing Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Identities in K-12 Schools. And, of course, CABE supports boys playing in girls sports and offers up resources like Trans-Athlete.com and You Can Play to support "trans inclusion" in sports.

    CABE's push for "transgender equity" should probably not come as a surprise given the fact that Executive Director Rader's daughter transitioned years ago, and was featured in a 2016 Hartford Courant article about coming out to students as a trans teacher in Avon at that time. The younger Rader believes it’s especially important to normalize transgenderism by letting young people know that "it’s okay to be transgender, that it’s nothing to be ashamed of or to hide."

    There do not appear to be any alternatives to CABE in Connecticut.

    It's the only game in town.

    But just because it's the only game in town, doesn't mean that your board of education needs to belong to this left-wing organization, or embrace its radical focus on "equity".

    Ten percent of Connecticut boards of education do not belong to CABE.

    Maybe it's time for your BOE to abandon CABE and its political agenda?

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    Lori Boyko

    Everyone should FOIA their school districts to find out what, if anything, they get out of CABE or the national arm of the organization, the NSBA (the one that called parents terrorists). They are predominantly lobbying organizations but the Simsbury BOE has absolutely no idea whether what they lobby for is in line with our town goals and objectives or not.

    I believe towns pay thousands of dollars each year to belong to this group and as far as I can tell they are working against us not for us.

    Last edited 8 months ago by Lori Boyko
    Paul A

    CABE is the downfall of every district it touches. Purposely.

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