• Connecticut Lawmakers Not So Conservative, According To CPAC

    September 12, 2022

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    Connecticut lawmakers are trending much more liberal than nearly any other state, according to an analysis by the Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA), a project of the American Conservative Union Foundation (ACU) and the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC).

    “In CPAC’s analysis of all 7,400 state lawmakers in America, the Connecticut legislature earned a conservative rating of a mere 30%, far below many other traditionally liberal states such as Washington (39%) and Illinois (37%),” a CLA press release said. “Most notably, the number of lawmakers earning CPAC’s ‘Coalition of Radical Left’ Award more than tripled to 76, compared to the analysis conducted in 2019 where 23 lawmakers earned the award.”

    CPAC’s scorecard for Connecticut is based on voting records for state lawmakers in 2021 for a slew of issues ranging from fiscal and tax policy to “cultural and life issues” and voting policy. “Only 13 Connecticut Republicans received awards this year from CPAC for voting with the conservative position at least 80% of the time,” the press release said...

    To read more visit Inside Investigator.


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