CT Republicans Are Now ‘0 For 51’ In Federal Elections

November 12, 2024

Maybe try a new tact founded in REALITY

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Now that CT Republicans have endured another statewide defeat at the hands of the merchants of fraud, known as the Democrat Party, maybe we can stop running our races on the political battlefield defined by the American Left.

I’ve been in the political fight publicly for 15 years, since the dawn of the Tea Party in 2009. The issues we then pushed onto the national agenda include limited government, primacy of the individual, unapologetic U.S. sovereignty, constitutional originalism, and free-market economics, among many other well-known derivative issues. The first election cycle in which these conservative-libertarian principles were tested nationally was 2010. They proved a spectacular success in the U.S. House, the chamber closest to the citizenry. Republicans took back the House with an historic 63 seat pick-up, even cowering Obama to admit his party took a “shellacking.”

And well-deserved it was. At their first electoral opportunity, a large majority of Americans rejected Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America,” and as we saw Tuesday, an overwhelming majority after experiencing 16 years of it, reject it outright today. However, in 2010 the party told us that it was “different” in Connecticut, and with a couple exceptions, Republican candidates then largely rejected our newly energized grassroots agenda in races for the state assembly and senate. Republicans picked up one state senate seat and a handful of assembly seats in 2010, but remained in a deep minority status – about 35% Republican in each chamber.

But this weak showing still seemed to give Larry Cafero, Assembly minority leader and John McKinney, Senate minority leader some kind of encouragement. Their strategy was to stress that they were “fiscally conservative” or “fiscally responsible” and stay away from conservative social issues. Whenever pressed by the state’s ultra-liberal media for their positions on social issues, they performed a verbal gymnastics act which basically aped the Democrat positioning on the issues. Larry was known to also say, “I don’t do the three Gs (guns, God and gold).

I pleaded with them to run on the full Tea Party agenda, which their party’s base was now championing in local events throughout the state. They told me that if the candidates wholly embraced that grassroots agenda, they would lose seats in both Houses. I would acknowledge they might well lose some seats initially, largely because they had been building a transactional constituency, predisposed to move on to the next candidate whistling a sweeter tune to their susceptible ears. My contention was that if they campaigned on the full breadth of Republican, indeed foundational conservative principles re-established a century ago, they would attract a truly dedicated and loyal base which would not be coaxed away by future transient campaign messaging. But Larry and John would have none of it. They and other elected Republicans wouldn’t even begin referencing the Democrats as ‘Socialist Democrats’, or at least refer to their worst policies as ‘Socialist’. Such branding would have proven to be a truth-ringing handicap for the Democrats over the ensuing decade.

Indeed, with their strategy of shaving the edges of the Democrat positions, they did pick up seats in the next two elections, drawing even in the Senate, and within seven seats in the Assembly. At that point the Tea Party issues had merged with Trump’s rising Populist agenda into a Conservative-MAGA agenda which prevailed nationally in 2016.

However, post Trump’s inauguration, Republicans of all stripes faced a ferocious and relentless, all-quarters attack from the Democrats, animated by the organized American Left, which had been caught flat-footed by the highly effective Trump-MAGA movement. Withering attacks came daily as the Left, aided by corporate media, endeavored to make Trump and incumbent Republicans radioactive. They were successful – Pelosi was returned as Speaker of the House. In Connecticut, Republicans lost a third (6) of their senate seats in the ’18 mid-term cycle – both CT chambers were now back where they were in 2010. When the going got tough, those Obama-era seat pick-ups were utterly unreliable. We in the base were not surprised, because those new voters were transient, and not dedicated to any specific principles.

Republicans calling themselves “Moderates” managed to give the Party a most tenuous hold on power, only to see it vaporize under practiced Leftist attack. After all, nobody can pose as a “Moderate” like a Democrat can. Skirmishing around a Democrat-defined middle ground is a LOSER for Republicans. I covered the failed dynamics in an article, The Race vs. Jim Himes Cannot be Contested on a Democrat-Defined Political Battlefield. The essence is that the Left makes both our most effective public figures and our most potent issues “radioactive,” thereby smearing them and discouraging Republican candidates from associating with either the people or the issues. If we comply, this gives the Democrats a significant playing-field advantage. We must NOT play along. Our stance is right – and we must stand on our foundational, conservative principles.

This was demonstrated yet again a couple weeks back in the Fourth District congressional debate between Jim Himes and Mike Goldstein. Himes got his way with his false-premises, which were accepted by the moderator and Mr. Goldstein. Sure, there was some skirmishing around the issues. But the underlying leftist, collectivist principles, which Mr. Himes regularly conceals with his well-vocabularied word salad, were never challenged. Nor were his cheap ploys, gambits, and strawman arguments ever specifically exposed to his constituents in the room and online.

The Republicans’ perennial mistake was again taking Democrats at face value – a patina which is a calculated construct designed to prevail in Fairfield County’s version of “politics-as-usual.” Indeed, in Himes’ post-election e-mail he said, “I also want to thank both my opponents. I believe we engaged in a respectful and productive campaign. If only Washington, DC operated a tad more like Fairfield County.” Translation: I appreciate that you performed in your usual self-defeating manner that CT Democrats have come to depend on – and I deeply appreciate that you offered no fight. This syndrome will continue to prevail until the politics aren’t ‘usual’ anymore.

So, in Connecticut we’re now 0 for 51 in congressional and U.S. senate races since Chris Shays’ last slim victory in 2006. To shatter this dynamic, it must be recognized that we’re opposed not only by Democrats, but by a politico-media combine including the activist Left and legacy corporate media – Hearst and other corporates in print, and Comcast, Cox, the networks and others in the electronic channels. Over the past 20 years, the combination of these gaslighting forces have severely traumatized a majority of the Connecticut voting citizenry into believing profound falsehoods about American culture and the politics which flow from it. I covered the implications of Hearst buying 13 of the leading town papers in the 17 towns of Connecticut’s 4th District in my article, Free Speech is Suffocating Under Blue-Captured CT's 'Iron Cloak' of Corporate Media. The media’s protective cover provides an incalculable assist to CT’s Democrat federal delegation. Tuesday’s national results indicate that a majority of Americans have indeed awakened, but leading our traumatized CT neighbors from this debilitating media-induced trance is a daunting challenge.

We can start by facing reality with both the electorate and Republican leadership. When you speak with Connecticut’s ‘Unaffiliateds’ (some 40% of the electorate), they will tell you they are unaffiliated because they believe the Democrats are deceptive and on the wrong track - and that Republicans really don’t seem to stand for anything. We’ve been told this endless times, both on the campaign trail and in private settings. Shaving the edges around Democrat positions is a proven loser. As one staunch CT conservative operative is fond of saying, “how ‘bout we try losing my way for a change!”

Those of us with knowledge of recent history know that today’s Democrat agenda is driven along the lines of several Cultural Marxist-derivative revolutions which played out in the 20th century - the censorship, the polarization, the demonization, the struggle sessions, the lawfare. The attacks focus on religion because it is an authority higher than government, on family because it’s a loyalty higher than government, and on private property because it represents our individual liberty and freedom to act. This is the reality we face. If you have doubts ask anyone you know of Eastern European descent over age 60 who grew up behind the Iron Curtain. To a one they will tell you they escaped that oppression in their youth, horrified only to have it blossom into their lives in America today.

A majority of Americans know this to be our reality. The Conservative-MAGA-Republican agenda is pointing us in the direction of retaining and reestablishing our freedoms. It certainly applies in Connecticut as well as elsewhere. After two decades of having our clocks cleaned by a deceptive Democrat machine, Connecticut Republican leadership needs to face reality, stop playing footsie with Democrats, call out their entire fraudulent combine for the gaslighting subversive operation it is – and stand our ground… emphasis on the last phrase. The CT media needs to be confronted, rather than tip-toeing around them. If we’re to be smeared by media, it ought to be for taking a staunchly-held principled stance in reality, rather than for inauthentically aping our opponents’ positions. President Trump’s recent campaign just shattered the legacy media – we can capitalize on that feat right here in Connecticut.

Demographic analysis of Trump’s support shows identity politics is a loser – we should not genuflect to it in any way, shape or form. Here’s a stance drawing a moral line: No minor under the age of 21 should be able to mutilate or drug their body for the purposes of transitioning from one sex to another – period. I believe it to be a state issue, not federal, but it is a clear stance against the insanity promulgated by the Democrats. Gender dysphoria is a mental problem. And get the sexualization of children out of the grade schools. Make our stand on behalf of parents’ innate rights to raise their children according to their moral code, not that of school administrators and the Marxist agenda-setters behind them. Constantly force the Democrats to defend the insanity of their policies.

Here’s a couple Republican state senators taking a stance most recently. Len Fasano was quoted extensively in this recent article. Among other successful techniques deployed in the cycle, Fasano said, “don’t be afraid to take on the press.” Also – when the press tried their usual intimidation routine on him, Senator Rob Sampson wasn’t impressed. He countered: “Retract my statement? Hell no. Connecticut Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for accusing me of undermining election officials… Connecticut Democrats continue to undermine our American values and culture, making our state less affordable and less safe, and undermining the sanctity of our election process.” Senator Sampson is right – and we all know it. The public should be reminded of it constantly. Senator Sampson is showing us the way.

As Margaret Thatcher said, “First you win the argument and then you win the vote.” That approach enabled the Iron Lady to both capture the leadership of her party, and ultimately transform a slovenly economy and electorate into a truly reinvigorated society, ready to co-lead the western powers at an historical moment. So, let’s get on with it. Let’s organize and energize Republicans - and the current growing ranks of young Conservative-MAGA CT voters who are ready to save their generation the Socialist Democrats. The time is late in Connecticut, but let’s get on the march and join the rest of an awakening nation.

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Bob MacGuffie

Bob MacGuffie is co-author of the book “The Seventh Crisis – Why Millennials Must Re-Establish Ordered Liberty,” www.seventhcrisis.com which examines and illuminates the historic crisis we currently endure. He can be contacted thru the Seventh Crisis site.
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Michael Satagaj

Terrific painting of a time-lapsed, CT political landscape.
Wonderfully frank, thank you.
I can’t say that I am as optimistic for the wholesale perspective change.
And that is what must come first.
It is ‘the argument’ that you cite from Margaret Thatcher.
But her argument, our argument, has been deviously nurtured away for a terribly long time - institutionally.
To counter it now, in this 'settled' contest, means the complete adoption of hard and timeless truth.

Michael Satagaj

And a marathon fight. It has taken decades for them to claim the culture.
The folks who subscribe to the CT progressive perspective consider themselves more educated and more empathetic than the rubes who understand the principles that you espouse and who support Donald Trump’s connection to them.
They are security driven, equal outcome driven, victim paradigm driven, secular driven and submission driven – and arrogant to the hilt about all. 

Michael Satagaj

And beyond the corporate/media complex that you cite, they comprise a corporate/university complex, a corporate/corporate complex and a social justice complex that garner enormous leverage and prestige.

I think sometimes that we tend to insulate the elected from the electorate, absolving that electorate from responsibility, laying sole blame on elite, ambitious and disingenuous Democrat officials – when we are getting exactly what we ask for – a mommy.

Michael Satagaj

Their army has a 2 to 1 margin in both CT houses, an infinity to 0 standing in the CT administrative bureaucracy and a 7 – 0 margin in the Federal houses. 


Cheating? Sure, some.

But the principle reason is the culture… nurtured so for a terribly long time.

We have to replace that culture against formidable opposition and long odds.

I argue that the key lies in making personal responsibility paramount.

P.S. The message in your subtitle is an excellent start

Liz Conti

Loved your article, Bob. Unfortunately CT is a state of stupid and or indoctrinated people. Also a state that doesn't audit its voter rolls or remove dead, relocated or noncitizen voters. The Dem machine lives here and so does a crystal ball that reports Dem wins before ballots are even counted! Republicans are regarded as garbage here. The working class would do better to relocate to better and greener pastures, unfortunately!

Michael Satagaj

No Liz, the blight that you recognize is trending across the entire nation. It is inevitable for the whole, but is not the destiny of the reckoners.
You, yourself, have demonstrated quite ably that the answer, regardless of how much success is realized, lays in the fight itself, assuming the righteous perspective and standing tall in the face of the beast.

Stay faithful to your principles.

Liz Conti

Fair point, of course, but sometimes you do tire of the fight, but you're right is a time for courage and a "never give up" attitude!


Suggestions on how to solve the Hearst problem? How does a CA based news corp have relevance in CT news? We want truth in our local broadcasting. Not bias.

Michael Satagaj

Just like this site is a platform to hear and express the truths that we live, small independent efforts will see victories. The industrial media is ripe to be persecuted. We must return to low-tech, witty, yet wisdom-laden messaging to reclaim the affection and ears of the citizenry. I might add that shame goes a long way.

Liz Conti

I railed about this in articles dating back 6 years. I used to be published regularly in the Norwalk Hour until Hearst Media took it over and published me once and then never again! They have a "mandate" to censor any opposition to their leftist agenda, which is the epidemy of propaganda, not journalism!

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