Est. 1802 ·

FIC Wins Against Big Gender

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Planned Parenthood, GLAD, Yale University and other advocacy groups lose big.

HB6617An Act Promoting Equity in Coverage for Fertility Health Care or the “Everybody Gets A Baby” bill was defeated after passing out of the Connecticut Human Services and Appropriations Committees this year. This bill would have mandated surrogacy services for same-sex couples, single women AND MEN who are “infertile” due to failure to have intercourse with the opposite sex or becoming too old to reproduce. Friends, this is what so-called “equity” looks like in practice.

It is no longer sufficient to have access to fertility treatment. Radical “equity” demands that you be complicit, through taxes and other methods, to hire women surrogates, pay for fertility treatment, the harvesting and cold storage of eggs, sperm and nascent life. This is not just coverage for traditional infertility. This bill would have defined “infertility” to include same-sex couples, transgender folks and any person, who, for whatever reason, doesn’t have “relations” with the opposite sex or chose not to have children when they were fertile.

Advocates testified for the public hearing that they want your tax dollars used for pubescent children to store their procreative material before they start puberty-blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgery. This is included with “fertility preservation” coverage. Despite denials by our opponents, they know that children are losing their future fertility due to their radical gender agenda.

Family Institute of Connecticut Action was the only major organization to send hundreds of letters to the legislature against this bill. With your help, we and our legislative allies were able to stop this awful public policy and use of state resources.

It was a major defeat for the perpetually agitated and aggrieved Reproductive Rights Caucus.

Pro-Choice Connecticut, Yale University, Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF), American Civil Liberties Union, Center for Reproductive Rights, Planned Parenthood, GLAD and more testified in favor of this outrageous bill and lost big. Each one of these organizations is a GOLIATH in financial and administrative resources compared to Family Institute of Connecticut Action, yet this bill fell after you became involved.

Please join us to thank our Heavenly Father for any good work we have done together this session.

Thank you to all our members who shared our material on social media, our e-mails and flyers with friends, relatives and pastors. Thank you to everyone who contacted their legislators and stood with us on our Lobby Day in April.

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Family Institute of Connecticut

The Family Institute of Connecticut (FIC) is composed of three distinct organizations. FIC Action is an 501(c)(4) social welfare organization which undertakes lobbying in defense of marriage and the family. FIC Action Committee is a registered state political action committee that was created in 2004 to help support pro-family candidates to CT state government. Family Institute of Connecticut is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit educational organization founded in 1989 to focus on marriage strengthening projects, educational efforts, and research.
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Bob MacGuffie

Awesome work......and result, Peter!

Amy Williams

I am so impressed with FIC- Thank You! You are the most effective group in CT!

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