• Former NIH Director Sings Parody At Yale School Of Medicine Graduation, Claims Unvaccinated Died From "Science Misinformation"

    Screenshot, Yale School of Medicine Graduation

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    Francis Collins, MD, PhD, and the former director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), performed a COVID-themed song parody of Simon & Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence" at the 2024 Yale School of Medicine Commencement yesterday.

    Just last week the Select Subcommittee On The Coronavirus Pandemic released a transcript of Collins' testimony before the committee. It revealed there was no science behind social distancing, the lab leak theory was legit and not a conspiracy theory, the Great Barrington Declaration which challenged the scientific basis of mass lockdowns was also not a conspiracy theory and more.

    Collins, who previously worked on a fellowship at Yale, offered advice to the graduates: "Failure is an inescapable part of being a physician and a scientist. Don’t fear it. Learn from it.”

    Instead of learning from the failure of covid vaccines, though, Collins ended his parody song by smiling, and touting covid vaccines.

    In his comments Collins even said it initially “seemed like science had triumphed” once covid vaccines were launched. Then he lamented about how "large numbers of Americans were not getting vaccinated because of rumors and conspiracy theories about the vaccine."

    “These were deaths from science misinformation. I know of no other way to say it: our culture wars killed hundreds of thousands of Americans,” said Collins. “These were good, honorable people who for a multitude of reasons lost trust in the scientific process.”

    Collins cautioned, “The consequences of this growing distrust of all institutions, including science and medicine, are truly serious for our nation, and for our world,” he said has he pointed to "the next pandemic" and "addressing climate change."

    He challenged the Yale Grads “to a commitment to re-anchor ourselves to objective truth” and then emphasized that “there really is objective truth and there really are no alternative facts.”

    One has to wonder...

    What does Collins think about all of the research in the NIH database that shows covid vaccines are dangerous and potentially deadly? Are those research articles not objective truth?

    What did Collins think about Pfizer's April 2021 post-marketing report that featured nine pages of adverse events? Is that not objective truth?

    What does Collins think about the 1,637,441 adverse event reports that covid vaccines have racked up through April 26, 2024, making covid vaccines the most dangerous of all, including:

    • 37,544 deaths
    • 216,213 hospitalizations
    • 154,621 urgent care visits
    • 243,407 doctor office visits
    • 10,805 cases of anaphylaxis
    • 17,733 cases of Bell's palsy
    • 70,626 permanently disabled
    • 39,852 life-threatening injuries
    • 28,266 cases of myocarditis
    • 21,668 heart attacks
    • 16,119 cases of shingles
    • 9,199 cases of thrombocytopenia
    • 5,124 miscarriages

    But perhaps it's not as catchy to sing about thousands of deaths and devastating injuries in a song?

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    This is so SICK on so many levels. This is GOEBELESQUE!


    Need to start executing the demons.


    Excellent article. I love the resources. I’m a nurse practitioner and I like to see the source data so I love the links. The NIH database link goes to PubMed. Does anyone have a working link to the NIH database?

    Checking Fact Checkers

    You mean this one https://report.nih.gov/?

    The one in the article does take you to the NIH Pub Med / research database. You can find loads of scientific articles in there, including truthful info about covid vaccines being dangerous.


    Just make something up...that's how they got the data you're looking for, anyway!

    Amy Williams

    Well done article- the numbers shown are the science- scientific proof that our medical experts think we are all too stupid to read that data


    And the "experts" may be right. So so so sick what Collins did. Just beyond belief.
    It's a revolution people and I think it's too late to wake up


    Died from science misinformation .... but make no mistake, this a$$hat and his ilk still counted it as a Covid death!


    More proof you don't have to be very bright to have a PhD.

    Pelosi's Hammer

    It isn't called "Piled High and Deep" for nuthin'


    Socialism isn't science
    Propaganda isn't science
    Fraud isn't science
    Mass murder isn't science

    Mad Celt

    I hate it when these political hacks go musical. Anyone else recall Bill Clinton and his sax?

    Pelosi's Hammer

    I have nothing against musicians. I hold plenty against people that gaslight me to think they are 'the science'.

    Willie Goree

    This sick piece of crap needs to be investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.The vaccine did not prevent virus and in essence reduced the effectiveness of the immune system to ward off viruses. Money was the motive. Put them in jail.


    Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated! My blood is unsullied by their poison...and I'm still kicking!

    Last edited 4 months ago by D3F1ANT

    Being a fellow pure blood i feel a uncertain glee reading about the after effects on the duped. Thankfully it passes like gas. After everything that has been exposed to think there are still ppl out their waiting for booster 10/12? i lost count/ LOL


    What the heck is wrong with that man??? The injection contents are killing thousands of people. Look at the US insurance records/statistics!


    There's nothing wrong with him he's just a revolution and the issue is never the issue The issue is the revolution.

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