Est. 1802 ·

Hey Connecticut, The Democrat Party Is Still Lying

January 6, 2025

A reflection on and continuance of last year's widely-read pro-Trump January 6 article from a West Hartford RTC member...

Screenshot, West Hartford Republicans on X

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By Zeus Washington

Today, January 6th, is a good day to remind the residents of West Hartford and Connecticut that you've been bamboozled by our elitist political ruling class for a while now.

Like political ostriches, the Democrats and Kinzinger/Cheney Republicans (i.e., Uniparty swamp creatures) and their bought-and-paid-for media apologists have decided to stick their heads in the sand and act like they haven't gaslighted, lied, divided and dehumanized us all over the past decade.

The radical Leftist, America-last Democratic party will not be able to stop MAGA from making America, and eventually Connecticut (and even, Lord willing, West Hartford), saner, safer, more prosperous, more fiscally conscious, HEALTHIER and GREATER, than they've ever been before.

But let's not fool ourselves.

Those who insisted that...

  • Biden was fine and could run circles around Senators;
  • the COVID vax prevented transmission and we were killing grandma if we didn't get it, lockdown and mandate it;
  • inflation was temporary and transitory;
  • the DNC actually cares about Democratic processes as they anointed their 2024 candidate;
  • Trump colluded with Putin to steal 2024 from Clinton;
    • Trump praised white nationalists in Charlottesville;
  • Trump encouraged an insurrection;
  • Trump encouraged people to drink bleach;
  • the lawfare cases against Trump are legitimate;
  • (the lies go on and on and on and on); not have a pro-America, pro-unity attitude. They have a "my party must obtain power and control at all costs" attitude. They worship merchants of hatred masquerading as benevolent politicians, like Chris Murphy, and have little regard for truth or reality.

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After all, MAGA is threat to Democracy in their eyes -- a threat to THEIR democracy. The unvaccinated are just 'speed bumps' to be run over on the way to your latest COVID booster, right Senator Duff?

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A disturbingly large portion of society has become the modern equivalent of useful idiots on a woke crusade. They have an auto-pilot mentality that cares more about virtue signaling and appearances that the gritty circumstances of reality. Want to warn the town about the dangers (horrors) of puberty blockers as a treatment for so-called "trans" kids? You'll get BANNED FROM THE LOCAL POLITICAL FORUM!

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Few times in history has such a large segment of the population embraced idiocy, lunacy, slave-like dependence on government, and hatred as the main pillars of their party's political platform, while thinking they are embracing virtue, tolerance, inclusiveness, and benevolence -- this is where their elitist sanctimony and moral grandstanding comes from.

Remember when they called tens of millions of us "MAGA extremists" that were "threats to American Democracy"?

The (D) next to a modern Democrat's name stands for Division. It stands for Delusional Dogma. Disharmony. Debt. Dependence (on them and on the government). We must break through the far-left's stranglehold over the minds of the average apolitical citizen and educate them on the actions and rhetoric of the Democrats over the last 10-15 years. The dems are bullies whose version of unity is submission to their far-left agenda -- it's their way, the obviously oh-so moral and righteous way, or the highway.

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Unfortunately, there can be no "unity" with people who blindly followed whatever Biden's handlers wanted them to follow, without them releasing their hatred and engaging in an iota of genuine self-reflection. But as leading CT Democrats' social media posts have shown, the (D)ivision party has not learned. It's an uphill battle in a state where most political TVs are tuned to true paragons of truth and justice, the spiraling MSNBC and CNN; where media outlets fail to cover key local, state and federal events, and are biased in the "journalism" they do produce.

CT MAGA must fight, fight, fight to bring accountability, sanity, and the founding principles of our Constitution back to the Constitution State. We must support and hold accountable the incoming Trump administration, re-orient the CTGOP towards MAGA, and vigorously communicate our positions to cut through the Democrat gaslighting and social engineering. We can do it.

God Bless America & Connecticut.

"Zeus Washington" is a pseudonym for a member of the West Hartford RTC who wishes to remain anonymous.

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Michael Satagaj

Yeah, Baby!!!!

What he said!!!!

Uhh, But tell us Zeus, if they won’t self-reflect, if they can’t be reasoned with, if there can’t be unity with “them”:

What does accountability look like?
What does “fight, fight, fight actually look like?
Do you even know who “they” are?

We are in a serious conundrum, a veritable catch 22.

If you are honest with yourself, you will trace the root back to ourselves, allowing the culture to be perverted, and unconstitutionally usurped.

Michael Satagaj

This is not just a CT problem, it is a Western Civilization problem.
And it may be an unavoidable by-product of liberty, arguably a blessing bestowed through the Christ.
We have allowed liberty to become synonymous with licentiousness, minus the responsibility, of course, and minus deference to God.
Now, all of the ills that plague the U.S. are a result of us abdicating that Judeo-Christian devotion and prudence as well as constitutional fidelity for equal outcomes.

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