• Himes And Biden Supporting The Fantasy Of A Two State Solution

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    Yesterday, Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX-16) introduced H. Res. 1074 Reaffirming the House of Representatives support of a two-state solution which was referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

    The Resolution, which was co-sponsored by 95 members of Congress, stated as follows:


    Reaffirming the House of Representatives support of a two-state solution.

    Whereas Israelis and Palestinians have the right to live in safety and security and to enjoy freedom, dignity, and prosperity; and

    Whereas the House of Representatives is committed to ensuring the enduring peace and security of both Israelis and Palestinians: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

    (1) reaffirms the State of Israel’s right to exist, as a Jewish, democratic state;

    (2) recognizes Palestinians’ right to sovereignty and self-determination through a Palestinian state;

    (3) supports a two-state solution as the best path to achieve lasting peace; and

    (4) condemns all calls and actions that reject and undermine a two-state solution.

    Source: U.S. Congress

    Whether the U.S. Government passes resolutions to support a two state solution, there have been multiple such proposals which have all been rejected since 1937.

    One of those supporting members was Connecticut’s own Jim Himes.

    His support for a defunct idea that can never work but can only lead to more bloodshed and death is one of the many reasons he should not be re-elected.

    In an Opinion piece in the March 13, 2024, edition of the Wall Street Journal by Amit Segal, “Biden’s Middle East Is a Fantasy World”, Segal notes the following observations regarding the attitude of the Palestinians towards the massacre:

    ”In reality, according to a November survey by Arab World for Research and Development, which is affiliated with Ramallah-based Birzeit University, 59% of Palestinians “extremely support” the Oct. 7 massacre, and another 16% “somewhat support” it.”

    That means that 75% of the Palestinians in Gaza supported massacring Jews in Israel. To any reasonable person, that is incompatible with a two state solution. All that would likely happen is the Palestinians would become more powerful and be better able to kill the Jews of Israel.

    The Israelis, unlike Biden and Himes are aware of the reality of what would happen if a Palestinian state were created.

    Despite the fact that the Israeli government is a government that has and is continuing to give humanitarian aid to Gaza. Segal goes on to state that a “January survey found that 72% of the public opposes such aid until all hostages are released”.

    Holding back humanitarian aid until the hostages were released would have put significant pressure on Hamas to release the hostages. If it had been done, the hostages might have been released or there would have been chaos in Gaza.

    Segal concludes with the following statement: 

    “It’s time the administration recognizes reality: The Palestinians overwhelmingly support the murder of Jews, and the Israelis don’t think the Palestinians deserve a state.

    Maybe Mr. Netanyahu should go over Mr. Biden’s head and speak to the U.S. people directly. According to a recent Harvard Caps-Harris poll, the American public supports Israel much more than the president does. And I’d like to remind my fellow Israelis that it’s important for us to distinguish, or at least not conflate, the American government with the American people”.

    The problem is that there are a significant number of U.S. Congressmen, including Jim Himes, who have the same fantasy of a two state solution. Himes fails to understand the true nature of the deep-seated hatred the Palestinians have for the Jews. His idea of a two state solution would only lead to more death and destruction.

    There are better options and it is time to abandon the two state solution and resolve the conflict in a different manner.

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    Dr. Michael Goldstein

    Dr. Michael Goldstein is running for U.S. Congress against Jim Himes. You can learn more about his campaign here: https://goldsteinforcongress.com/

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