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Holy Week Horrors At CT State Capitol

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Abortion Amendment Advances Out of Committee

Last week we wanted to tell you how the CT March for Life went. This week we wanted to focus on wishing you a Happy Holy Season. 

But with evil on the march, we have to get right down to business. 

SJ 4, a Resolution to Amend the Connecticut State Constitution to Create a "Right" to Abortion Up to Birth And for Gender Transitions, Even for Minors Without Parental Knowledge or Consent, And Boys in Girls Sports was approved by the GAE Committee this week.

FIC Action's members, and our allies, did an incredible job testifying against SJ 4. The Committee never knew what hit them. That is why they stacked the deck

We are in a dire situation. But we are not alone. If we work hard, we can beat SJ 4. 

Ask Your State Senator and State Representative to Vote NO on SJ 4

HB 5424, the Force Catholic Hospitals to Allow Referrals for Abortion and Gender Transitions Bill, has advanced out of Committee. It could be voted on in our State House of Representatives at any time. Trinity Healthcare has been made aware of our concern over their absence in this fight. But we need you, our members, to encourage Trinity Health too. And to ask your own State Representative and State Senator to vote NO on this outrageous pro-abortion anti-family attack on religious liberty in Connecticut.

Ask Trinity Health to Fight, and Your State Legislators to Vote NO, on HB 5424

HB 5417, the Bill to Protect Porn in School Libraries, has advanced out of committee. FIC Action continues to fight this bill with our grassroots allies at the State Capitol!

The American Library Association is trying to stop parents across the country from standing against obscene and pro-pornographic material in school libraries. They've targeted Connecticut, and we need your help to fight for community participation in public schools.  Don't let them shut us out. 

Parents, grandparents, school board members, pastors and more have already submitted written testimony - we must outnumber our opposition and submit more (use "3/11/2024 hearing date", select "opposes" and HB5417 from drop-down menu).  It is so easy!  Please also contact your legislators this weekend - they must hear from you as this bill heads to the floor of the House and of the Senate.  

Also, join us for a rally against this outlandish assault on our democratic process. On April 13, 2024 the "Don't Mess With Our Kids" Rally will be held from 1 to 3pm at the state Capitol Building grounds in Hartford.

Ask Your Legislators to Vote NO on HB 5417

But Wait. There's More.

SB 214, the Doctor Protection Bill, has not yet been voted out of the Judiciary Committee. FIC Action and our allies made a vigorous case that the bill should be either defeated or amended. We will have more news on it soon. 

HB 5101An Act Establishing a Tax Credit for Educational Access and Opportunity Scholarships, is a rare opportunity for our state government to do something positive. The deadline for this bill to be voted out of Committee is April 4th. Watch for more information on this soon. 

The DCF Hotline for Kids to Report Their "Non-Affirming" Parents to the Connecticut State Government is gone. It was FIC Action that exposed this outrage. We can guess as to the ultimate goal of such a thing. For now, at least, Connecticut parents can breathe a little easier. 

In 2021, 64% of abortions in Connecticut were chemical abortions. So the Supreme Court Chemical Abortion Case, unlike the repeal of Roe v. Wade, really would affect abortion in Connecticut. That is why Connecticut politicians are losing their minds over it. And why FIC has submitted an Amicus Brief asking the high court to end chemical abortions. 

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Family Institute of Connecticut

The Family Institute of Connecticut (FIC) is composed of three distinct organizations. FIC Action is an 501(c)(4) social welfare organization which undertakes lobbying in defense of marriage and the family. FIC Action Committee is a registered state political action committee that was created in 2004 to help support pro-family candidates to CT state government. Family Institute of Connecticut is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit educational organization founded in 1989 to focus on marriage strengthening projects, educational efforts, and research.
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Matt Boland

I've e-mailed both my state rep and senator about HB5417, and submitted testimony opposing the bill as well. Hopefully, Hartford listens this time.

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