Is It Time For Greenwich High School To Reconsider Using ADL's Names Day Program?

September 8, 2023

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On March 6, 2023, Greenwich Patriots shared an email about the Anti-Defamation League and the Greenwich 9th Grade Names Day Program.

We got beat up in the local press over the email by the chair of the Greenwich Democratic Town Committee (DTC), Joe Angland.  He called our email “vitriolic” because it accused the ADL of abandoning its mission.  

The email suggested that the ADL had been "acting more as a left-leaning pressure group than a non-partisan anti-Semitism watchdog.”  It criticized ADL for supporting the Marxist and corrupt Black Lives Matters organization, for pushing radical gender ideology and age-inappropriate books that sexualize children, and for promoting many other progressive issues.

We also highlighted how the ADL labeled certain phrases as “symbols of hate” including the phrase “it’s okay to be white”.

And we pointed out how the ADL promotes the Marxist doctrine of critical race theory.

You can read the full email here.  

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Looks like we were onto something! 

Even mainstream media outlets like Newsweek are now printing articles like, “The ADL Has Lost Its Way. Elon Musk Is Right to Stand Up to Its Censorship”.  Here’s an excerpt:

"The ADL has let our community down so many times that its silence is not even a letdown anymore. All but the most institutionally constrained Orthodox Jews openly reciprocate the contempt the ADL seems to harbor for traditional Judaism, its values, and its people. The widespread belief in my community is that ADL does not object to public expressions of hatred and fear of Orthodox Jews because the assimilated Jews that run the place share those sentiments themselves.  My own disdain for the formerly righteous ADL reached a peak a few years ago, when I learned just how far its commitment to leftist dogma went.” 

As a result of the growing controversy over the ADL’s obvious progressive bias, we asked Greenwich High School (GHS) if it would continue to use the ADL’s Names Day program, knowing that this bias is now baked into so many aspects of the ADL’s work.  Or if the school was planning to look for an alternative program from a more politically neutral entity so that GHS is not subtly indoctrinating children into a left-wing mindset. 

If GHS continues to use the ADL, we have requested that the school explain how it plans to provide a conservative counter-perspective to balance out the far-left bias of the ADL.

We will be sure to update you if the school responds to our questions.



Greenwich Patriots

Greenwich Patriots organized in 2021 to help protect medical freedom, to preserve parental rights, and especially to stand up for children in schools in Greenwich, Connecticut. Learn more and join the newsletter here:
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