It's Time To Charge U.S. Military Commanders With Murder

January 23, 2024
Photo By Staff Sgt. Nicholas Ross | A plaque honoring Staff Sgt. Kory Wade is on dispay during his memorial service at the 48th Rescue Squadron, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., June 23, 2023. Wade, a medical logistics Airman assigned to the 48th RQS, was found dead June 17, 2023. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Nicholas Ross)

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SSGT Kory Wade drowned after a 'cardiac event' while training in Air Force Rescue techniques.

Air Force Staff Sgt. Kory Wade, 33, drowned June 14 after disappearing during a training exercise on Theodore Roosevelt Lake in Arizona. Wade was attached to the 48th Rescue Squadron, a Pararescue unit at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, and was riding one of the team’s Advanced Rescue Crafts, or ARCs, reported Task and Purpose.

An autopsy found that Wade had 80% blockage of his coronary artery.

“Due to the cardiac event, [Wade] fell into the water and was unable to stay afloat,” the Ground Accident Investigation Board found. Though Wade was qualified to operate the ARC, he did not wear a floatation device at the lake, which is required by both Air Force regulations and Arizona state law.

The cause of death was not the lack of a life jacket. The cause of Kory's death was the Covid bioweapon vaccine forced upon him by treasonous leadership.

Enough of the obituaries that don't list the obvious cause of death - the vaccine.

Young people don't drop dead of blood clots, at least not with the frequency of the last three years.

I used to fly with Air Force Rescue in Alaska. These men and women are some of the bravest and most fit in the world.

What has happened to the U.S. military community is an abomination, a diabolic evil. It is Satanic.

Stop ignoring it!

There is no longer any doubt among free-thinking people -- it's time to charge U.S. military commanders with murder.

All Kory wanted to do was help people in need. And he was murdered for it.

If you are denying the problem, you are complicit.

For these gallant young men and women to be utterly betrayed by military leadership is disgusting and makes me want to throw up in my mouth.

It's time for accountability.

Let these senior commanders defend themselves in a military court, for their demand that members follow an illegal order, when there was a plethora of evidence the jabs were deadly.

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L Todd Wood

L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine) the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDMedia and editor-in-chief of For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit

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