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NEA Teachers Union Pushing Racist, Anti-Capitalist Toolkit In Support Of Racial Justice

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The National Education Association (NEA) announced that it wants to ensure every student across every race and place has the opportunities needed to succeed - an admirable goal for sure, and one that no reasonable person could argue against.

Except that the means used to achieve this lofty goal rely on promoting the radical progressive concept of antiracism, a concept which posits that the only way to atone for past discrimination is with future discrimination.

“The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination. 

How To Be An Antiracist, Ibram X. Kendi

You should also know that capitalism is considered racist by Kendi, too, so when you hear the term "antiracism" know that it also means "anti-capitalism".

“To love capitalism is to end up loving racism. To love racism is to end up loving capitalism. The conjoined twins are two sides of the same destructive body. The idea that capitalism is merely free markets, competition, free trade, supplying and demanding, and private ownership of the means of production operating for a profit is as whimsical and ahistorical as the White-supremacist idea that calling something racist is the primary form of racism. Popular definitions of capitalism, like popular racist ideas, do not live in historical or material reality. Capitalism is essentially racist; racism is essentially capitalist. They were birthed together from the same unnatural causes, and they shall one day die together from unnatural causes. Or racial capitalism will live into another epoch of theft and rapacious inequity, especially if activists naïvely fight the conjoined twins independently, as if they are not the same.”

How To Be An Antiracist, Ibram X. Kendi

The NEA wants members to find out how their schools can become "equity-centric" by adopting an antiracist curriculum, learning about systemic racism and racial bias (e.g., 1619 Project, Black Lives Matter), and taking "collective action" in the name of racial justice.

The union's 80-page Racial Justice in Education Resource Guide provides ways to "sharpen racial analysis" and deepen the understanding of racial justice in education. Educators are encouraged to use these tools and resources to talk about race, conduct racial equity assessments, aid in strategic planning, and more.

The NEA guide argues for always viewing the world through a racial lens, and specifically calls out political conservatives for allegedly silencing racial justice voices. This leads one to wonder why any conservative teacher would pay dues to a union that actively fights against them.

The library also includes resources on "White Supremacy Culture" that talk about the "damaging" characteristics of whiteness and white supremacy which include perfectionism, a sense of urgency, preferring quality over quantity, individualism, and objectivity, for instance.

The NEA has partnered with the Southern Justice Law Center (SPLC) to recommend its Learning for Justice program for educators. As a reminder, SPLC is the organization that just added parental rights groups to the HateWatch list, labeling concerned parents "extremists" for wanting to depoliticize schools, remove pornography from libraries and stop the spread of critical race theory.

Of course, what educator's guide would be complete without a section on radical gender ideology and a pronoun guide?

The NEA also recommends using the model laws and school policies from the controversial group GLSEN, which has repeatedly been accused of grooming children. NEA also partners with The Trevor Project, which has been accused of using its TrevorSpace youth hotline as a dating service for adults to target LGBTQ youth in need.

There's plenty more, but you probably get the gist by now.

The NEA has more than 160 affiliates across the state though the Connecticut Education Association.

If you are an educator who is tired of the union using your dues to attack conservatives and push a radical political agenda, then it's probably time to look into an alternative like the Constitution State Educators group on Facebook.

Source: Facebook

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