• Nick Simmons Is Really Worried About Young Men Who Admire Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Donald Trump, And Especially Connecticut State Senator Ryan Fazio

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    Connecticut State Senate Candidate Nick Simmons joined supporters for a zoom call on Monday to share information about his campaign, and to field some questions from a very friendly audience.

    He's running against incumbent State Sen. Ryan Fazio in the 36th district which covers Greenwich, Stamford and New Canaan.

    Simmons softly introduced himself as the guy running against someone who has been described by Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz as "the most dangerous Republican in Hartford."

    Why is Fazio so dangerous?

    Well, Simmons credited him for almost single-handedly sinking the Connecticut "gun safety" bill, but thanks to the entirely Democrat-controlled legislature, one of the most restrictive gun bills in the country, which even bans open carry, was easily passed anyway, despite opposition from thousands of gun owners.

    Simmons even gloated a little, saying President Biden came to Connecticut to celebrate the passage of the gun safety bill -- "banning assault weapons, allowing police to take guns away from those who exhibit red flags."

    But most people simply remember Biden's speech for the bizarre gaffe, where he strangely said, "God save the Queen, man."

    Simmons argues that Connecticut's law would have prevented the shooting in Georgia because police would be "able to go directly into those homes and take the guns away."

    He tugged at the emotions of the people on the call, evoking Sandy Hook, which is just "20 miles away" because eroding your Second Amendment rights is one of the only angles Democrats have this election cycle.

    Simmons conveniently ignored how soft the Democrats are on crime and how they are gaslighting people over rising crime levels across the state, like the 42% increase in the average homicide rate from 2020-2022.

    Then Simmons turned briefly to the only other issue Democrats have this election cycle, abortion, complaining about an op ed Sen. Fazio penned six years ago as a contributor to The Federalist, a paper that Simmons described as one of the most "right wing" papers in the country, likening it to Breitbart. He was aghast that Fazio pointed out the truth about the legal arguments over Roe, and other questionable decisions by the Supreme Court, that these rulings were "offensive to the rule of law" and offensive to millions of voters.

    Screenshot, Fazio's Article in The Federalist

    Simmons tried to convey fear to the listeners -- fear at the very prospect of having a Republican lead them in the State Senate. He assured people that as a former school teacher in Harlem and as a former aide to Governor Ned Lamont, he's better positioned to handle policy decisions than Fazio.

    The irony here, of course, is the example that Simmons used to demonstrate his policy prowess was his role on Joe Biden's school re-opening committee for the entire country after covid. It turned out that this policy was more like a backroom deal with left-wing teachers unions to extort money out of the government in the form of the American Rescue Project "ESSER" funding program.

    Schools across the country often used the windfall to push for progressive programs, the kind that promote "equity" and the tenets of critical race theory, and to grow administrative staff.

    For example, Greenwich submitted an application for ESSER funding to cover transformative social-emotional learning to teach students to view the world through an “equity lens", along with building out “wrap-around” services that would essentially replicate the work of social services agencies inside schools.  

    Coincidentally, when Simmons worked for Lamont, he coordinated key policy initiatives with a particular focus on "educational equity"... and at this point, quite frankly, most folks are completely fed up with equity and DEI.

    Which also serves as a reminder that Simmons worked closely in Hartford with Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, the man who, when he was in charge of education for Connecticut, wanted to make schools more woke, and celebrated an anti-racist teacher focused on social justice. These days Cardona is under fire for potentially violating the Hatch Act by using his office at the Department of Education to rock the democrat vote.

    Based on the fear in Simmons' voice, Democrats might need all the help they can get, legal or otherwise, to rock the young male vote, the many millenials who find themselves on the short end of the "equity" stick because of their perceived "privilege."

    It seems that's the biggest fear Simmons has -- he is gravely concerned that young male millenials in particular idolize "right wing" personalities including Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Dave Portnoy, and Donald Trump, along with the most dangerous Republican in Hartford, Ryan Fazio.

    Simmons is so concerned about young men, that he personally wants to "set a better example" for them than say a "young white male" like "34-year-old Ryan Fazio" might set... an especially interesting concern considering the whispers around Greenwich regarding Simmons' past behavior.

    In another ironic moment, Simmons, who is also a "young white male" says the way he will set a better example is to "protect the vulnerable, to be compassionate, to stick up for women" -- except for those young women who have to confront gender confused young men in their middle and high school bathrooms, because Simmons advocates for "inclusive policies" in schools.

    It's also probably a good time to mention that Simmons backs "gender affirming care" -- the kind of barbaric "care" that leaves young people with permanent issues, including sterility, infertility, and serious long-term consequences that may interfere with neurocognitive development, compromise bone density and may negatively affect metabolic health and weight, and block normal pubertal experience and experimentation.

    Reasonable people are left wondering how Simmons can set an example to "protect the vulnerable" when he backs gruesome, pseudoscientific experimentation on incredibly vulnerable, gender-confused youth.

    As Simmons engaged in questions from the audience, one person suggested the way to win with millenial men might be to simply brow beat them, and shame them into it. Use ridicule. Say to these young men that they are "losers" for thinking that right wing personalities like Musk, Rogan, Portnoy and Trump want to help them.

    And there you have it -- the truth about how democrats really feel about young millenial men -- they are losers.

    That ought to be about as successful a campaign slogan as Hillary's "basket of deplorables."

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    Michael Satagaj

    Grow up, son, you're insufferable.

    Paul A

    The Simmons politicians are straight up ushering in socialism and the mayor of Stamford calls residents domestic extremists if they don’t agree with her. She just expelled a democrat Latina woman from her elected position by dramatizing words. Words that you either live by or die by. She is using her power for selfish ambitions. A real mayor unites and forgives. It’s disgraceful how she has disrupted Stamford’s homegrown community. Nick has no experience for this,he just knows the talking points

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