Not All Super Heroes Have Capes, Some Have A Passion For Liberty And The law!

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What will happen if New York Governor Kathy Hochul wins an appeal and is able to enforce her, “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures”, that was struck down by New York State Supreme Court Judge Ronald Ploetz? Did you know about this? The mainstream media has turned a blind eye to it.

“Involuntary detention is a severe deprivation of individual liberty, far more egregious than other health safety measures, such as requiring mask-wearing at certain venues,'' he wrote. “Involuntary quarantine may have far-reaching consequences such as loss of income (or employment) and isolation from family.” Supreme Court Judge Ronald Ploetz, Times Union.

This is a story of what could come to pass, a real life superhero fighting it, and how you can help.

* * * * *

There is loud and fierce knock at your door, KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! It’s 6:00 am. You jump out of bed. The dogs are barking, the baby is up crying now, and Timmy who turns five years old in a few days is crying too. He’s rubbing his sleepy eyes standing in the doorway of his bedroom. Your husband is away on business. The darkest of fears start racing in your mind in the minutes it takes for you to answer the door. Adrenalin is coursing through your veins, your heart is beating with the knocks. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! Through the peephole you see people in masks, face shields, and rubber gloves. They are wearing dark blue jackets with a New York State Seal and a badge around their neck. There are two masked police officers with them.

You open the door. Two men stand before you whose faces you cannot see through the face shields and masks. One of them says, “Mrs. Jones, The is the Department of Public Health. Timmy Jones was exposed to a communicable virus as school. He needs to come with us right now.” Timmy is clutched to your side crying, “mommy, where’s daddy?” My son is fine you explain as calmly as you can, “he is not sick. I can take him to our family doctor today.” Your body is shaking, and your words are now rattled with frantic tears as Timmy starts howling MOMMY and clings harder with all his might to you.

One of the masked men hands you an order from the New York Department of Public Health with your child’s name on it stating that he is to be remanded to state custody and taken to a quarantine facility. There Timmy will be mandated to take medical treatments. Timmy is not sick, he has no symptoms. He is being traumatized by the masked men at the door who are taking him away from his family, because he MAY have been exposed to a communicable disease. He is barley 5 years old!

No one ever thought this sign was possible! But it was, and we must be diligent and never let this happen again!

You pick up your child holding him with every muscle in your body. Trying to turn your body into a chain that cannot be broken from you, and yell, “YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY CHILD!!! I need to call a my husband, you cannot take him!!” The baby is now wailing from his room. Everything is happening so fast! You’re not sure what to do. You walk down the hallway to the baby’s room. The masked men follow you.

This is New York, this is the United States!!! How can someone come to your door from the government and take your child away for a disease he is not even showing symptoms of?! One of the men asks if the baby is up to date on his vaccines. “I am not comfortable with sharing my medical information with you. I need to call my lawyer!!” Ma’am, “We’re going to have to take the baby too then.” “NOOOOO!!!”, is bellowed from the depths of your soul. The baby is one year old and still breastfed. He is not vaccinated and is a very healthy child. Timmy got very sick as an infant after a series of vaccines at his well baby visit. You and your husband decided to hold off on vaccinating your second child. You lie, “Yes!! My baby has had his shots!!” But New York State tracks the records of all babies born in the state for vaccines. When the child is 19 NYS must get consent for vaccine records! HIPPA laws do not apply to the vaccine tracking system, NYSIIS, which is the acronym for the New York State Immunization Information System. Beads of sweat form on your brow, your whole body is shaking. Timmy is crying as they check an app to see the baby’s vaccine records. They cannot see it, there is a glitch in their system. One of the men begins to take Timmy from you. Peeling you apart from your child in wrenching trauma.

This is the future Governor Cathy Hochul and Attorney General Letitia James are fighting for. A dystopia where the State can put anyone they please in quarantine for however long they want, treat you, and medicate you. This can happen to anyone, a child, an adult, your elderly mother or father. ANYONE could be put in lockdown, or quarantined to a state facility for however long the Department of Health deems necessary. Timmy’s story could become a true story for EVERYONE. You would have to hire a lawyer at your own expense and fight the State to get out!

Fortunately for all of us there is woman who recognized the danger and faced it head on. Not all super heroes have capes, some have the law and a passion for liberty! Bobbie Anne Cox is a real life super hero! She took on Governor Hochul pro bono, and gave up everything to fight against the tyrannical quarantine procedure and won! Thanks to Bobbie, the story I wrote has not happened…

Villains don’t just go away, they come back and fight more! On September 13, 2023, in Rockland County, Bobbie will give oral arguments against Governor Hochul’s appeal. The stakes are high! This case has the power to set precedent nationwide. Will we become a nation where anyone, including children, can be quarantined at the Department of Public Health’s whim? Based on a suspicion of illness? What kind of world would that look like? Bobbie needs our help! She cannot do it alone. The Goliath that wants to lock you down, or lock you up, take your children, mandate vaccines and masks, has a lot of power and money!

We have people power and a super hero fighting for us! Come to Rockland and hear the oral arguments. This is not a protest. Come sit in the courtroom in peace, say a prayer, show support with your presence and spread the word far and wide! I never want to live in a world where a human being can be forcibly taken from the comfort of their home and family! How about you?

Hope to see you there!

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Links and References

Quarantine Lawsuit Appeal

Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox... Knowledge is power!



Jennifer Sparks aka J.Cherry

Jennifer Sparks aka J.Cherry is an independent journalist, radio host, and producer. On the airways she was known as J.Cherry where she produced a popular local radio show, VOICE of the CITY, airing on WESU 88.1FM. There she conducted in depth and candid interviews with artists, politicians, authors, activists, scientists, and community leaders. In 2020 Jennifer left WESU to pursue an independent podcast where she could freely talk about controversial subjects. A mother and wife before being a journalist, she felt compelled to break free and dig into medical freedom, government policy, parental rights, public health, corruption, and big pharma. Over the years Jennifer has been published in local newspapers as a freelance writer. Frustrated with being censored and not being able to publish the stories she felt were important and under reported, she began her own blog. Her work can be found at and on Substack

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