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Old Greenwich's Perrot Library Hosting Book Talk On “Transitioning Later In Life” With Liaison To Yale's Controversial Pediatric Gender Program

Perrot Library, Old Greenwich. Public domain.

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In honor of Pride Month, the Perrot Library in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, just announced that it is holding a book discussion and signing with Jillian Rae Celentano, the author of "Transitioning Later In Life - A Personal Guide" on June 21 at 7pm.

Screenshot, Perrot Library Event Flyer

The event will take place in the Youth Services Program Room in the Children’s Library, though is scheduled to start after hours, since the library normally closes at 6pm on Wednesdays. Presumably this means that young children will not be present in the library during the discussion, but it is not a guarantee.

Celentano began transitioning from a biological male in 2016 at the age of 55, and subsequently received a BA in psychology and a master’s in social work at age 61.

Celentano is a staunch advocate for the trans community and has organized support groups for transgender / gender diverse children and young adults. Celentano co-authored two published transgender studies at Yale University and serves as a community liaison for the controversial Yale Gender Program. Celentano also cites employment at a private practice in Greenwich as a therapist and educator for the transgender / gender diverse community, where patients of "all ages" are allegedly seen. An individual session will reportedly set you back $380.

By the way, when you look up "Gender Program" on Yale's website, you will learn that the full name is "Pediatric Gender Program" because the program caters to "children, adolescents, and young adults who are exploring their gender identity". After an initial consultation, it takes a mere six to eight hours to assess a patient's readiness for gender affirming care options. These include puberty-blocking treatments, cross-hormone therapies, and gender-affirming surgery (note that surgery is only available for patients aged 18+).

Source: Yale Medicine

Of course, puberty-blocking treatments are used to chemically castrate sex offenders, and lead to permanent damage for growing children, especially since these drugs prevent the normal development of sex characteristics.

Celentano's blog "" lists over 100 prior and planned speaking engagements related to transgenderism. This includes 27 past events and 6 upcoming events just at libraries in Connecticut. Other venues have included churches, universities, medical schools, hospitals, psychiatric centers, the Veterans Administration, professional associations (e.g, psychologists, child and adolescent psychiatrists), and Pride groups.

A number of public schools, including Greenwich, Milford and Old Saybrook, have also hosted Celentano for speaking engagements. It sure makes you wonder what the school-based speaking engagements were all about, especially since Celentano runs support groups for "transgender children" and has embarked on a mission to normalize transgenderism.

In fact, Celentano seems to be especially focused on supporting "trans youth" and their parents before, during and after the transition process. The website also lists a number of resources for "trans support" including the controversial Trevor Project, which has been repeatedly accused of grooming children.

The group Gays Against Groomers issued a strong warning about The Trevor Project's online forum "TrevorSpace” saying that, "browsing the website for merely a few minutes makes it abundantly clear what it actually is:  an online dating service for children and people aged 13-24."

Why Celentano would recommend that gender-confused children consult a group accused of grooming children remains to be seen.

But that might make a good question for the discussion at the Perrot Library on June 21st.

If you would like more information about the event at the Perrot, or if you would like to speak to someone about the event, you can contact Lisa Thomas at 203-637-1066 x20.

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