Est. 1802 ·

Progressives Concerned A "Precinct Strategy" May Be Underway To Take Over Greenwich RTM, But It's Not The First Time

October 2, 2023
Source: Greenwich RTM

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The upcoming Greenwich Representative Town Meeting (RTM) election has generated a surprising surge in interest this year—334 candidates for 230 seats—an especially eye-opening number considering that just 221 people ran in the 2021 RTM race.

Greenwich Democrats, Indivisible Greenwich, and certain "Lincoln Project" republicans have started accusing the Greenwich Republican Town Committee (RTC) of pulling a "Precinct Strategy" to take control of the RTM. So they are desperately working to ensure that community members don't vote for anyone they think is part of this alleged group, while leveraging a friendly relationship with the media to push out their message that this 'take-over' would be a "danger to our democracy" and also that it is "racially motivated".

Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

The Precinct Strategy, articulated by attorney Dan Schultz, is about patriotic Republicans taking back their country by winning elections on a local level, so school boards, finance boards, library boards, and other town and state governing bodies.

It's important to note that in 2017, a group of far left radicals actually did strategize and coordinate in order to take over the RTM.

At the time Jennie Baird and her “comrades” recruited around 50 people to join the takeover plan. Many of her comrades also belong to the group Greenwich Indivisible, the local chapter of the radical left Indivisible Project that has been focused on stopping Trump and MAGA at all costs ever since the group started in 2016.

Greenwich real estate blogger Christopher Fountain pointed out that Baird didn't pay attention to local politics until Trump became President. He said that's when she finally bothered "to pick up a local paper and discover that there was a local political body that she could convert into a vehicle to protest national issues and, while she was at it, use that body to transform the town into a municipality that reflected her views on what 'social justice' looks like."

Fountain even quipped (somewhat prophetically) at the time, “Hold onto your pocketbooks! Mandatory transgender education is next!”

While many of the radicals backed by Indivisible in the 2017 municipal election have since left the RTM, a number of them still remain on the ballot for the upcoming November 7th municipal election, including at least one Indivisible member who is guaranteed a seat on the Greenwich Board of Estimation and Taxation (BET), David Weisbrod.

Isn’t it ironic that some of the individuals now complaining about Republicans pulling a precinct strategy, like Janet McMahon, are actually guilty of pulling a precinct strategy themselves?  

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