"Stop Moms For Liberty" Activists Protested A "Moms For Liberty" Meeting In Simsbury That Never Happened

January 30, 2024

The group apparently hates Moms for Liberty so much, they decided to proceed with the protest even though the meeting had been cancelled. Talk about outrage!

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For months, pretty much the the only thing posted in the Stop Moms For "Liberty" Connecticut Facebook group has been an ad that originated from the national organization.

In fact, the same ad has been posted over a hundred times since the group started on June 3, 2023.

But two days ago, the discussion got a little spicy.

A group member (whose profile features a "Let Gaza Live" button atop a Ukraine flag) snapped a screenshot from the Moms For Liberty - Hartford County Facebook page about an upcoming meeting at Simsbury Public Library, and encouraged members to "make some noise" to disrupt the meeting. Just like the group had done when Moms for Liberty hosted James Lindsay in Avon last October.

Screenshot, M4L Facebook

The 8th Senatorial District Democrats also caught wind of the Moms upcoming monthly meeting at the library. The Dems pulled out one of their favorite sleights for the caring and concerned Moms, the dreaded "extremist" label. Because there's "no place for hate in the 8th!" Unless you hold conservative values, in which case it's apparently okay to hate.

Screenshot, Facebook.

Both BLM 860 and Simsbury Neighbors Connecting Without Judgement called on members to join the protest, armed with lawn chairs and bull horns.

State Representative Melissa Osborne got in on the action, too.

She even invoked the Southern Poverty Law Center's "hate group" designation as a deterrent to anyone who might dare consider attending the meeting of a group whose values she abhors.

Rep. Osborne went so far as to denounce the alleged "hateful rhetoric and values" of the Moms national leaders. And to say that anyone who shared values like those espoused by Moms for Liberty leaders like Tiffany Justice should expect to be protested. How dare anyone hold different views than radical left Democrats? What do these Moms think this is, anyway? A free country or something?

Screenshot, Facebook.

So if you think sexualizing children through graphic and explicit library books is wrong, or if you think radicalizing students with DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) and turning them into social justice warriors is not what school should be about, then the Stop Moms crowd thinks you don't deserve to peacefully meet in public.

You had better be prepared for the protest, too, because it's game on for these activists who always seem to have posters and banners at the ready, featuring slogans like "ban bigots not books" and "disarm hate" and "ally is a verb".

But imagine for a moment being so afraid of a group of concerned parents, grandparents and community members gathering in a small library meeting room, that you feel compelled to protest on a cold Monday night in the snow? Don't these activists have anything else better to do with their time than try to cancel a group from meeting at the library?

Yet that's exactly what happened Monday night.

The Simsbury Dems estimated that nearly 100 people came out to protest a meeting they knew was cancelled.

In fact, one of the rally organizers, Shannon Leary, a former campaign staffer for U.S. Congresswoman Jahana Hayes, learned of the cancellation earlier in the afternoon but wanted people to come out for the protest anyway.

She told the group that "the goal is to have MFL not come back!"

If that's the goal, then Stop Moms for Liberty is in for a rude awakening. These brave Moms don't scare so easily. Plus, they know exactly what's at stake, and know there's no more noble cause than to fight for the protection of children.

Manju Gerber, the head of Moms for Liberty-Hartford County told the Centinal she's not going anywhere.

"What's surprising to me is that none of these people are protesting public schools over poor test scores in reading or math," Gerber said.

"None of them are protesting public schools for banning websites from student access, either," she quipped.  "I mean, if the protestors are that upset about banning library books, why aren't they equally upset about public schools banning websites that teach students the finer points of oral sex, anal sex, and masturbation?  Why aren't they standing up for kids' rights on this issue? Why are they so focused on just protecting books?"

She has a point.

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Concerned Mom

Wow so many dedicated pedophiles in close proximity to the library and otherwise not busy on a Monday night.

Concerned parent

This kind of hate filled comment is the exact reason people are protesting. Calling people pedophiles simply because they are standing up for LGBTQ rights and inclusion? Pathetic, uniformed and sad.

Paul A

When you are being attacked with an ideological agenda you have the right to defend your beliefs. The SMFL brought this on themselves with a protest against MFL. Stay away from our children. Stop grouping people to attack with ideological agendas. Your defense is totally misguided. There is no such thing as alphabet rights. It’s called human rights and MFL are fighting for theirs. Get on board, a united society is human rights for all. That’s the group that stands above all.

Jan Greenhawk

Curious, do LGBTQ rights and inclusion mean allowing young children access to pornographic materials? Does it mean blaming one race of people for all the problems of the world while telling another race they are the victims? Does it mean denying parents the right to determine the upbringing and education of their children? Because that would truly be pathetic.

Daryl Luff

If you want to read an alternative article on the subject that isn't meant to outrage you and play with your emotions, check this one out: There's No Home for Hate in Simsbury, or Parking Spots Either


That Alternative article is nothing but BS! Protesting against Moms who want their children educated in school and not taught sexual positions and how to perform oral sex says everything people need to know about this!!

Paul A

We are allowed to shout them down just like this minority tries to shout down opposition to put forth their abnormal ideologies. Being who you are is not an ideology. Grouping together for an agenda is separation to exclude. Injecting your ideology on our kids will not be tolerated. As a compassionate human being all people have rights in the one group called humanity. Anything outside of that is self alienating for power. Let’s all be the group of humanity for unification. It’s not that hard.


The only ones shouting are you. The so called ideology you're so worried about revolves around parental rights and protecting our children from inappropriate pornographic content. Why would anyone be concerned about that unless they have a reason to groom children?

Paul A

I support moms for liberty. I actually tried to get them to come and talk in my town. FYI

Last edited 1 year ago by Paul A

You're a comedian and a grifter. The linked article is laughable. It reads like it was written by a paid shill for local Democrats but w/less skill than a high school student. Posting the link on another publication's page is a pathetic parasitic journalist wanna be's attempt to gain traction on your own article riding a real news site's coat tails. It's even more humorous that comments are turned off on that page so the scant few people who stumble upon it can't criticize. Slick!


Shannon Leary is an elected government official in Simsbury. She is a member of the Zoning Commission. Posting comments organizing the event and "running point" coupled with the clear statement that the goal was to keep Moms for Liberty from coming back smacks of 1st Amendment violations by attempting to prevent local parents from meeting because she disagrees with their viewpoint. Do any local officials know what the Constitution is? Apparently not in Simsbury!

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