YMCA Camp In CT Added A New "All Gender" Cabin For Campers In Grade 3 And Up, But That's Not All

February 1, 2024
YMCA Cabins, Public Domain.

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Heads up, parents!

Sleep-away camp is diving even deeper into the culture wars this summer, so you better make sure you read all of the fine print before you sign up your children for overnight experiences. Especially at the YMCA.

In fact, YMCA Camp Hazen in Chester, Connecticut, announced that it will be adding an "all gender" cabin in all five of its camp villages this year in order to provide "housing for all" this summer.

The "All-Gender Cabin" serves campers whose identity may or may not fall into the male-female binary, including allies interested in living in an all-gender space and campers who "don’t want to be in a traditional ‘gendered’ cabin for any reason".

Campers who request a cabin mate of a different gender (e.g., friend, sibling, cousin) or who have not felt safe in a specifically gendered space, or who "want to try something new" are welcome in the All Gender Cabin.

But that's not all.

The traditional Boys and Girls cabins have been labeled as "Boys+" and "Girls+" cabins to make sure that all campers are included and feel a sense of belonging.

Screenshot, YMCA Camp Hazen

This means that boys, "regardless of sex assigned at birth", as well as transgender and non-binary campers who feel they belong in this space are fully welcome to sign up for the Boys+ cabins.

Similarly, girls, "regardless of sex assigned at birth", as well as transgender and non-binary campers who feel they belong in this space, are welcome in the Girls+ cabin.

There are literally ZERO cabins available for children who identify as the sex they were born.

This applies to ALL cabins at ALL five villages, too.

So that means if you have a younger camper, say a daughter entering third grade in the fall and this is her very first sleep away camp experience, she could end up in a cabin with a biological boy who decides to identify as a girl.

The YMCA, by the way, believes it is the morally right thing to do to allow children to identify as whatever gender they like, and stay in whichever cabin they want.

The YMCA Hazen camp director, Katherine Davies, even said she felt it was "more transparent" this way, and then justified the mixed gender and gender "plus" cabins by saying, "we're not doing anything different from anyone else in the world, we just want to be inclusive."

But apparently "inclusion" doesn't apply to boys and girls who don't dabble in gender ideology at the tender age of 9 years old, leaving parents frustrated that yet another once treasured program has been infected by radical, progressive gender ideology.

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A concerned parent

I really respect the author for saying that 'girls and boys' can stay where they want in accordance with Gender Identity, regardless of Sex Assigned at Birth. Very woke for this trash rag.


What crap

tom lahman

Note that YMCA is an acronym for Young Men's Christian Association. What you are seeing here is a primary plank of the demoncrap party: "Destroy all things Christian!"


Does it really matter? I've been to camps throughout all of my childhood, and the children are going to be having the same conversations outside of the cabins with the same people as they would be inside of the cabins. And frankly, they'll be doing the same dirtydoodah outside of the cabins behind some bushes as they would be doing inside of the cabins.

The only way around this is to have all straight girls only camps and all straight boys only camps.

J Daye

Yes it does matter! Kids SHOULD NOT be exposed to sexual shit at camp - honestly overnight camp should be eradicated.


We have trans-men in women's prisons, raping the female inmates. Lets bring that to our kids! Connecticut has gone B.S. Crazy!

Common sense rules

A lot of people who think this is ok, have never dealt with the fallout of sexual assault. Educate yourself. This will continue to cause massive mental health issues in children.

J Daye

So right - kids are going to be warped adults because of all this sexual shit seasoning everything in schools and TV PARENTS- pay ATTENTION!!!!

J Daye

Don’t send your babies to camps that practice this abuse. Keep them home - we are sending our kids into the lions den and they are being indoctrinated that this behavior is good. Sorry but not this many kids have gender dysmorphia- this is being taught and is child abuse at its worst.

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