• About Restoring The Religious Exemption To Vaccines In CT

    July 15, 2022
    Image by Nate Ivey, PhD

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    We know that many of our readers are concerned about the potential for experimental covid vaccines to be added to the childhood immunization schedule in Connecticut.

    Unfortunately, CT lost the religious exemption for childhood vaccinations last year… although those who already had a religious exemption on file prior to the decision were grandfathered.  

    Making matters worse, medical exemptions to vaccinations are increasingly difficult to obtain in our state, as doctors are under a lot of pressure to be pro-vaccine.

    Good thing we know the brave attorneys who are fighting to restore the religious exemption in CT!
    And they have a hearing on Monday, July 18th on the matter.

    Attorney Kevin Barry said, "First, we have to get past the motion to dismiss.  Then, we move quickly to the Preliminary Injunction motion in August.  If we win the PI motion, we are asking the judge to let all K and Pre-K kids to enroll in school with RE's for Sept 2022 as if the repeal never happened…  

    CT filed a motion to dismiss our case.  We replied with our motion yesterday.  CT replies to us by Friday 7/15.”

    Stay tuned!

    But in the meantime, please consider helping to support this case by making a financial contribution here.  Thank you!

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