Greenwich: Dems Upset After RTC Shares Factual Article About WEF Globalist, Falsely Calling It "Hate Speech"

August 17, 2023
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The Greenwich Democrat Town Committee (DTC) slammed the Greenwich Republican Town Committee (RTC) for sharing what it called "racist tropes, coded innuendo, and Photoshopped images to smear neighbors volunteering to run for public office" — also known as a "meme" in the common vernacular.

The meme came from a Connecticut Centinal article, World Economic Forum Globalist Behind Greenwich Push For Zuckbucks, which was originally published on January 30, 2023.

The article talks about how Scott Kalb, who is a member of the Greenwich DTC and also serves on the Representative Town Meeting (the town's governing body), advocated for selling out Greenwich elections to obtain a $500,000 grant from the controversial Center for Tech and Civic Life, even though these so-called Zuckbucks have already been banned in dozens of states.

Kalb signed his name to a group letter in support of "Zuckbucks" that argued, “we should not allow discredited conspiracy theories and fear mongering about rigged elections... to take root in our town and prevent us from accepting a lawful and welcome grant to upgrade our election infrastructure” and that any claims that Zuckbucks were used to “steal the election” from Trump in 2020 were unfounded.

After the letter appeared, the Centinal did some digging into Kalb's background and learned he spent 11 years working in a prominent role for the World Economic Forum, an organization which promotes the concept of globalism, something squarely at odds with putting America first.

Kalb is now running for the Greenwich Board of Estimation and Taxation (BET), so the RTC being in campaign mode, shared the Centinal's article through social media.

The article included a photoshopped image of Kalb's head atop the body of Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), and therefore the symbolic head of the push for globalism. The original photo used for the meme came from Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) where Schwab was awarded the title of 45th Honorary Doctor of KTU on October 13, 2017, literally anointing him as a "doctor" of globalism. Klaus, who was raised Catholic, wore the university's traditional graduation robe, as did other dignitaries for the ceremony.

The meme has nothing to do with race, ethnicity or religion.

Instead, the meme associates Mr. Kalb with the person most symbolic of the globalist agenda, the literal doctor of globalism himself, "Professor" Klaus Schwab. His organization, the WEF, has promoted globalization since it began in 1971. Schwab even wrote a book about how to use the covid pandemic to force a "great reset" in order to create a "more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world" according to his globalist vision.


But this year, a major concern cited at the WEF's annual meeting in Davos was about how globalization is under "siege" by countries like the U.S., which are experiencing a resurgence of nationalism, even in Greenwich.

A meme likening Kalb to his former "boss" isn't a racist trope or coded innuendo.

Nor is it "hate speech".

It simply suggests that Kalb, once he assumes his position on the BET, might be expected to act in a way that supports the globalist agenda and the "great reset" called for by Schwab. An agenda that he clearly supported for 11 years of his life while serving as both Chairman and Vice-Chairman of WEF's Global Future Council on Long-Term Investing.

Now he's associated with New America, a “think and action tank” where Kalb is "dedicated to mobilizing capital toward responsible investing and supporting the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals. The "global goals" include tackling climate change and other progressive agenda items designed to usher in a globalist utopia.

The people of Greenwich should absolutely contemplate what kind of globalist values Kalb might bring to their local financial decision-making body.

And it's not a matter of whether he will be elected or not, Kalb is guaranteed a seat on the BET based on the way municipal elections work in Greenwich. There are six democrats endorsed in this coming municipal election for six open seats. Similarly, there are six endorsed republicans for six open seats. All 12 of these candidates will be seated after the election.

The real race for the BET is over which side gets the most cumulative votes across all six of their candidates, because that side gets the deciding vote in ties.

With a BET evenly composed of democrats and republicans, holding the tie-breaking vote is essential to controlling the town's purse strings.

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Clifford M. Reid Jr.

Great job bringing to light those pushing for a globalist agenda! Also be on the alert for those in congress and other high positions who are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. They are deep state, and their goal, also, is a one world government.

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