Est. 1802 ·

Greenwich First Selectman Camillo's Hate Speech Board Is Part Of The National Democrat Agenda

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For those of you who thought daylight savings times was over, think again.  

Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo just set the clocks back to 1984 after announcing the formation of yet another new special committee — his eighth by our count — but this one could have been ripped straight out of the pages of the George Orwell classic. 

According to Fred’s announcement, the "task force members will develop a phone and web reporting system for people to report acts of hate” committed by their neighbors.  

"Bigotry and hate, in any form, have no home in Greenwich,” says Camillo.  

Of course, many Greenwich residents are familiar with the “No Hate Vote Row A For Democrats” signs which were a staple of the Democrats municipal campaign in 2023.  While some people were surprised to see Camillo join the Democrats campaign against free speech, those familiar with Fred know all too well how much he likes to cozy up to the Democrats.

Greenwich Democrats 2023 Election Lawn Signs

The committee members include a couple of DEI officers, a couple of RINOs, and at least five democrats, one of whom previously asked Greenwich police to secretly monitor a Connecticut newspaper for hate speech.

If you thought Fred's new Thought Police Committee sounded like something a democrat would have proposed, you were right! 

As a matter of fact, Joe Biden’s White House actually did propose something called “Allied Against Hate:  A Toolkit For Faith Communities” in 2023.

"Standing together against hate is crucial not only as a moral matter, but also as a practical one, partially because various forms of hate are connected. People who express hatred towards Jews, for example, frequently hold other biases based on actual or perceived religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity.”

The guide recommends forming a coalition to call for policy changes to counter "acts of hate, discrimination and bias” and organizing or joining efforts in your community to report hate crimes, to correct “false information" and misstatements in the media (think media literacy training), and to increase inclusion and “allyship through civic action.”

The White House guide further recommends resources from the ADL to help identify slurs, biased language and hate speech.  According to the ADL, for instance, the term “illegal alien” is a slur because it "emphasizes a person’s ‘otherness' like an invader from outer space versus their humanness. It is more respectful to say 'undocumented person or worker’ instead.”  

ADL uses its “Pyramid of Hate” to illustrate the perceived prevalence of bias, hate and oppression in American society.  It says that bias at each level of the pyramid reflects a system of oppression that negatively impacts individuals, institutions and society.  The “hate” reflected in the pyramid ranges from stereotyping to non-inclusive language, microaggressions and more.

It’s no wonder Camillo took a beating on social media after making the announcement about this new hate hotline!

"Simple question Fred… were we reported secretly to the police in Greenwich for our reporting by one of the people on your 'task force', or not?” asked L. Todd Wood on X.

“The fact that I don’t even know what you’re talking about should provide you the answer you seek. Just read the mission statement and you’ll see that this is intended to promote civility as well as show people the process of reporting. That is it,” replied Camillo in his best double-speak.

Screenshot, X.

Except Camillo should know what Wood is referencing since Fred was copied on the emails to police, according to The Connecticut Centinal article on the matter.

Others were trolling Fred over how reporting of online hate and bigotry in the UK has led to absurd investigations with police attempting to criminalize people for expressing opinions that don’t contravene any laws.  Like a man who was investigated for retweeting a transgender limerick or another man who was reported for hate speech for “deadnaming” a trans person.

Screenshot, X.

It’s not just the UK, as a Portland, OR, jury has recently convicted a woman of criminal harassment and a hate crime for misgendering and confronting a trans man in the women’s restroom.

Additionally, Democrat Governor Jay Inslee is expected to sign a bill that seeks to create a “bias incident hotline” to criminalize free speech in the state of Washington, and to track perceived hate crimes and bias incidents.

Is this what the future holds for Greenwich?  

A hotline for reporting our neighbors and a database to track their wrongthink, too?

And once you have a database to track wrongthink, how much longer will it be before Greenwich rolls out a full-blown social credit system that prioritizes town privileges based on social credit rating?

Where does this end?  

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Greenwich Patriots

Greenwich Patriots organized in 2021 to help protect medical freedom, to preserve parental rights, and especially to stand up for children in schools in Greenwich, Connecticut. Learn more and join the newsletter here:
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Isn't Greenwich home to wealthy white privileged folks?
Are they targeting themselves and their neighbors?

Paul A

This is what’s called pandering and virtue signaling used for a political safety net. Most political leaders can’t see past this out of fear, blinded by political self interest. This is the blind leading the blind out of fear. Caving to the pressure of the carnal mind is the fear of idols not the fear that gives us everlasting life. There is only one safety net that can make the blind see and these politicians need to walk away from the darkness and walk into the light.

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