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Greenwich Progressives Run J6-Style Info Op Against Town Conservatives

June 12, 2023

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It has been widely reported in free media that the January 6 'riots' at the U.S. Capitol were primarily instigated by the Feds. Reports are there were up to 100 Federal agents involved in the crowds, pushing Trump supporters to go to the Capitol and enter. Multiple videos of Ray Epps exist pushing people towards the capitol and whispering in other men's ears to push down the barricades. Yet, he is not charged.

Groups of instigators speaking Russian or Ukrainian are seen breaking into the Capitol building.

Most of the J6 videos held by security services have not been released. Last week it was announced that the videos that were released were doctored by the J6 Committee in Congress.

In short, it was a 'Fedsurrection'.

The only people murdered (4 of them) that day were Trump supporters. Officer Sicknick died of a stroke, not murdered by rioters.

It's an age-old tactic -- do something really bad anonymously and then blame the other side for what you are actually doing. It's called projection.

We have just had a mini-J6 information operation go down in Greenwich, CT.

About a week ago, someone placed in the dead of night, multiple signs which say 'groomer' around the Greenwich Town Hall flag, which is flying the transgender flag for 'pride month'. Why Greenwich feels that it is okay to fly the flag of a minority group, over the objections of a large part of the town, is another story.

The signs were placed exactly where there was no camera footage. Someone knew this. Logically, who would know this? Someone who had inside information?

The 'crime' was reported by Allison Hope Kahn, who has an obvious bias to her point of view since she was an organizer of the Town's pride event. The signs were removed around 10:15am by a Town employee. This was well after the 9am opening of the Town Hall, where many others of course saw the sign display.

Hours after she reported the issue to police, the story was tweeted by New York Times Reporter Neil Vigdor.

Shortly after that, op-eds started appearing in multiple Connecticut news outlets blaming 'Greenwich Patriots' for placing the signs.

Greenwich Patriots denied being the culprit, yet the op-eds and libelous social media comments from local political operatives continue, defaming Greenwich Patriots repeatedly.

Source: Facebook

Greenwich Police Department has said the sign placement did not break local ordinance.

One should realize, if the signs did not break the law, the placement of the signs are essentially free speech. One may disagree vehemently, but who gets to decide what is free speech or not?

Progressives (and even former members of the RTC who want their position back) seem to think only they are able to decide what is appropriate or not.

Hate speech is not a legally defined concept. It is a construct developed by those wanting to shut down free speech.

So, likely we have an information operation ran against Greenwich Patriots by those who saw an opportunity to defame a group which has been very effective at outing the horrific behavior by Greenwich schools, harming children.

Be aware of the propaganda, most of America is waking up to these tactics.

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L Todd Wood

L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine) the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDMedia and editor-in-chief of For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit
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It fits their modus operandi. When they hit you, they feign and cry the most pretending to be victim.

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