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Greenwich Public Schools Allows Left Leaning Group To Conduct Voter Registration Drives On Open House Night

September 27, 2024
Screenshot, League of Woman Voters Greenwich

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Ever since Superintendent Toni Jones entered the scene, Greenwich Public Schools have become increasingly politicized, and the political bias always leans to the left, never to the right.

So it probably shouldn't come as a surprise that the district permitted the left-leaning League of Women Voters (LWV) to conduct voter registration drives right at the entrance to Greenwich public schools on their open house nights.

The League bills itself as "a political grassroots network and membership organization that believes the freedom to vote is a nonpartisan issue."

The reality, however, is that the League is a highly partisan organization that has strayed from its original mission and has become yet another tentacle of the democrat party.

Here are ten examples:

  1. Illegal Immigrants - LWV is opposed to the deportation of "non-criminal" illegal immigrants and supports granting these people legal citizenship status.
  2. Climate Change - LWV Connecticut submitted partisan testimony in March 2024 in favor of Senate Joint Resolution No. 193, which proposed an amendment to the CT State Constitution that would have given the state control of pretty much all environmental and property rights.
  3. Book Banning - The Greenwich chapter hosted a meeting on "banning books" in school libraries consistent with the national LWV view that pornographic books should be allowed for children.
  4. Transgender Sports - LWV has fought to allow biological boys to play in girls sports, and even joined a lawsuit where it argued that trans boys will be harmed if they can't play in girl's sports. The LWV further asserted that keeping trans athletes out of women’s sports was racist.
  5. Bathroom Access - LWV believes biological boys who think they are girls should be allowed to use girls restrooms and locker rooms without question.
  6. Abortions - LWV is "proud" to partner with leaders in the "abortion rights space" like Planned Parenthood, and labels people "un-American" if they think overturning Roe was a good decision.
  7. Gender Affirming Care - LVW believes gender-affirming care is "vitally important" even though it has been exposed as pseudoscientific and dangerous, causing permanent consequences, like sterility, infertility and neurocognitive issues.
  8. Guns - LWV believes the proliferation of handguns and semiautomatic weapons is a health and safety threat, and supports "strong" federal measures to limit accessibility and regulate private citizens' ownership of them. 
  9. No-Excuse Absentee Voting - The Greenwich chapter, along with CT LWV, are urging people to vote YES to authorize the Connecticut Legislature to provide for absentee voting for all voters for any reason.
  10. Voter Photo ID Laws - The LWV believes that laws requiring a photo ID in order to vote promote voter suppression, disenfranchise minority voters, and can be "traced back to the Jim Crow era."

The League is now desperately trying to "save democracy" along with the rest of the radical left, and even started a yard sign campaign with that theme.

It's worth defining what it means to "save democracy" to organizations that have been caught up in the critical social justice movement, like the LWV.

Academic James Lindsay offers an insightful translation.

"The word 'democracy' within critical social justice has a presupposition to it," explains Lindsay. "Under critical social justice ideology, in other words, the idea of creating 'equity,' if people aren't perfectly equal first, then their voice isn't perfectly equal."

People with more money or more privilege are automatically assumed to have more "voice" than others.

The social justice warriors believe the only way to have "an ideally democratic system" where everyone has an "equal voice" would be if everyone is made equal first. Another word for that is communism.

"Believe it or not, this is something that's been said by communists all the way going back Vladimir Lenin," cautions Lindsay. "So within the critical social justice movement, when they say that we have to appeal to or protect or save our democracy, they're actually presupposing that communism is necessary to have democracy in the first place."

So why is it that the League of Women Voters was permitted to hold voter registration drives during Greenwich Public School Open Houses this year?

Will the Superintendent host a series of voter registration drives from a right-leaning organization in order to balance things out a bit, and make it more "equitable"?

Should we give our friends at Turning Point a call to extend an invitation so they can set up tents at Greenwich Schools like they did at Arizona State University?

Would TPUSA feel the same warm welcome that the LWV team received?

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Greenwich Patriots

Greenwich Patriots organized in 2021 to help protect medical freedom, to preserve parental rights, and especially to stand up for children in schools in Greenwich, Connecticut. Learn more and join the newsletter here:
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