Est. 1802 ·

Greenwich Superintendent Position On Propaganda Recognizes BLM Is A Political Organization

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Greenwich Superintendent Toni Jones finally provided clarification on the questions posed regarding political propaganda (e.g., BLM signs, progressive pride flags) in the classroom.  Here is the response:

"Teachers and students have many rights under the law. Depending on the situation, a teacher may wear a pride flag on their t-shirt, have a pride flag displayed on their car, or discuss LGBTQ+ legal issues and other matters if it is supported as part of the curriculum in examining issues in the social or legal context. The LGBTQ+ acronym is not a political organization who accepts funding sources to provide advocacy at the local, state, or federal level.

As you know, and as I have explained to you before, students also have rights. Much of what you often see in schools is generated by our student clubs (especially at middle and high school).  Posters, stickers, and other items are a First Amendment Right as long as the item does not cause a major disruption. This is supported by case law.

If there is a more challenging scenario, such as a teacher who wants to post a Black Lives Matter bulletin board, we take those issues to our legal counsel to determine if the request or action is political in nature. If it is deemed political, teachers are asked to remove the material or the district removes it for them. If the teacher is creating a comparison and contrast of numerous political organizations and demonstrating neutrality in presenting all sides to an issue, it is fine. For instance, if the students were researching how political donations are gathered and how advocacy is conducted in regards to policy or legal implications, that would be appropriate if it goes along with curriculum topics and represents all sides of the issue. Black Lives Matter is a considered a political organization who accepts donations and uses those resources for political advocacy. It would depend on the context of the teacher’s lesson or curriculum standard. 

We rely on legal counsel for more challenging and unique situations.

We are not requesting or accepting donations of special interest flags from anyone, including yourself and your readers. While we complete the redesign of the GHS Student Center, including beautiful new furniture that we know our students will love and appreciate, only flags representing countries from around the world will be hung from the rafters this school year. Recently, students have requested new flags that represent their heritage and we will proudly oblige.”

Greenwich Superintendent Toni Jones

While Jones, or more likely an attorney who helped draft this carefully-worded email, indicated this response “resolves” the questions posed to her, it fails to address one question in particular.  That is whether guidance counselors are allowed to dispense potentially controversial items to students with whom they may be meeting privately, including items which might conflict with the closely-held religious beliefs of the student’s parents and/or guardians.

If we receive a clarification on this point, we will be sure to communicate that with you.

But in the meantime, parents acknowledge that it is good to see Jones acknowledge that “Black Lives Matters” is a political organization. 

And not just any political organization, but an organization founded by trained Marxists with the stated intentions of dismantling cisgender privilege, disrupting "the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” and freeing people from “the tight grip of heteronormative thinking” all while promoting globalism and “collective" values.

Sure makes you wonder why the Greenwich Democrats have not called out BLM for promoting hate speech, though, doesn’t it?  Or does the “hate speech” label only apply when Republicans use the term?

Source: Lalena Garcia, BLM

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