• Ignorant Americans With 'We Stand With Ukraine' Signs Share Responsibility For 200,000+ Ukrainian Casualties As Corrupt Zelenskiy Regime Collapses

    November 4, 2023

    Just wait till the new Hamas/Hezbollah pogroms start...

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    Following the lockdowns and the Covid attacks on the American population, Ukraine was the new 'new thing' to protest about.

    Compliant 'progressives', baptized in their new religion of ignorance, gleefully put the signs in their yards, and virtue signaled to one another at Starbucks on steroids.

    Of course, for the most part, they had no knowledge of what they were actually supporting, and still don't.

    However, the consequences of their, and other globalist support of the Ukraine war, instead of forcing a peace settlement, are now coming to bear.

    Those idiots who joined the ignorance bandwagon share responsibility for genocide in Ukraine.

    200,000+ casualties, dead and wounded.

    The U.S. government pushed this war, with no plan for victory - war was the only goal.

    Now, reality is setting in. The war is essentially over. Ukrainian generals are calling it a 'stalemate' but the corrupt Zelenskiy regime, who has been laundering billions in American aid offshore, will collapse.

    There was no way to 'win' against the Russian Army without complete American involvement. Even then, the outcome was doubtful.

    Ask Napoleon, or Hitler.

    Just for the record, I have consistently been saying this since 2014 in print, and video...but no one wanted to listen, as virtue signaling for the elites is more important than human life.



    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine) the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDMedia and editor-in-chief of Tsarizm.com. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.

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    Mad Celt

    Zelenskyy will beat a hasty retreat to his Palm Springs home.

    Michael McDonagh

    Maybe the dwarf of Kyiv will learn to tap dance in heels ?


    And the same thing with people who wave Israel flags. They've become worse than the Arabs they complain about. In fact, they are Arabs. No different. And we're supporting them? I'm sorry, I have to go with Russia on this one. Israel betrayed Russia already.

    Last edited 11 months ago by Daniel

    Gawd! You guys are the same sort of creeps who made it difficult for the Brits to stand against Hitler (and Russia in the early stages) and later soothed Stalin and made it easy for Russia. You're a bunch of crazy commies--a drag on Trump, reducing chances for a conservative win. i wouldn't be surprised if it turned out you were a leftist plant.


    Russia won. They got their land bridge to Crimea . Mission accomplished.

    jack johnson

    Russia is the number one military in the world when it comes to a 'ground war'. They have the weapon stockpiles, the surge capacity to produce the weapons and have military strategies that date back to the Mongols.

    Why Ukraine let themselves be used and destroyed is beyond me. Zelenskyy will be held accountable.


    C19 and Ukraine IS an iq test, certainly hope YOU passed the test....

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