Est. 1802 ·

New RTM Candidates In Greenwich "Awakened By The Harm Being Caused By Progressive Liberalism"

Greenwich Town Hall, Public Domain.

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Greenwich has a 100-year history of Republican control. There was a two-year period when Democrats controlled the BET during which they did not raise taxes.  Yet despite this one act, they were not re-elected.

Democrat control of Hartford has transformed Connecticut from a no income tax state to one of the highest income tax states in the country. These policies have also driven wealth and businesses out of Connecticut and Greenwich.  Is debt, higher taxes and following in Hartford’s footsteps the solution for Greenwich? I don’t think so.

Greenwich according to the BET proposed budget pays $42,200,000 in debt service annually on a almost $500,000,000 budget. I guess that is not enough. A $1.5 billion debt with debt service, at current rates, and principal repayment could easily add $150 million dollars a year to our budget, or a 30% increase in our taxes. That would have devastating consequences to middle class and fixed income residents. It would also have serious consequences to home values. We are a diverse community, but would not remain one if this happened.

With regard to the Old Greenwich School sewage leak, there is funding in the BOE budget for repairs. I am not sure why the funds from the repair budget were never tapped to fix this problem. That is a question the BOE should answer.

The Republican candidates running for office are being stereotyped as "MAGA Republicans" because this designation is a popular way to discredit people by labeling them. This is an unfortunate and divisive strategy which will, in the long run, further polarize the town.

In reality, the 100 new candidates are a a diverse group of people, most of whom have spent their lives in Greenwich on the sidelines. They have been awakened by the harm being caused by progressive liberalism. This absurd political philosophy has devastated New York City and has caused many people to leave with some coming here. We do not need nor want to turn Greenwich into DeBlasio-land.

There has been increased polarization of Greenwich. Labeling those who have, on their own chosen to run, as an evil fringe group because they do not share your views on how this town should be run is divisive.

This is a democracy and the RTM is citizen government that is open to all citizens. The fact that so many people have decided to run is a healthy example of democracy in action.

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Dr. Michael Goldstein

Dr. Michael Goldstein is running for U.S. Congress against Jim Himes. You can learn more about his campaign here:
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