• Out Of Touch Voting Moms

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    The latest missive from the local Greenwich organization called The Voting Moms shows how out of touch they are, and how far left they are. The email claims “the town Republican party (the RTC) was lurching farther and farther to the right” and as evidence they provide a NY Times propaganda opinion disguised as news, when it is generally agreed that the NY Times is now strongly left of center.

    It is also clear that it is the Democrats (and their swampy RINO sidekicks) who have moved further left and not the Republicans.  Today 75% of registered Democrats say they would support a Socialist for president, while only 45% of voters agree.  Similarly, support for Israel among Democrats has disappeared and leftist publications now go so far as to claim “too much Democracy is bad for Democracy.”  Even fundamental concepts like free speech are viewed negatively among registered Democrats.

    In their email, The Voting Moms even follow the Democrat playbook regarding what they call “book banning” which is the far left’s attack on parents who wish to limit their children’s exposure to highly sexualized content in grade school. The Voting Moms seem out of touch with the reality that 69% of all parents (and 90% of Republican parents) object to teaching that gender and sex are fungible and 70% object to exposing children to highly sexualized content.  The Voting Moms also fail to recognize that parents are correct given such exposure is demonstrably harmful and that children are easily influenced by exposure to content designed to manipulate their behavior.

    Contrast The Voting Moms / Democrat positions today to the 1996 Telecom Act which passed in the House 414 to 16, the Senate 81 to 18 and was signed by Bill Clinton, and you can see just how far left the Democrats have moved.  That 1996 act required ratings on sex, violence, smoking, drug and alcohol use for all TV shows and video games, plus installation of “V-Chips” in TVs and Cable Boxes to allow parents to moderate inappropriate content.  Yet today, the hyper-partisan liberal “Voting Moms” call any objection to exposing children to such materials in school “book banning” while hypocritically wanting the ability to label anything they object to “hate speech” and ban it.

    As in previous elections, the Voting Moms repeated other unsupported hyperventilating claims about the state of the Greenwich schools (which their children attend daily,) as well as repeating other false claims about town safety and infrastructure made by Greenwich Democrats.  All this partisan propaganda supporting the Democrat’s hard left agenda is “delivered with a joyful smile” but begs the question of what ever happened to the SEEC investigation of these “citizen journalists”?

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    Greenwich Patriots

    Greenwich Patriots organized in 2021 to help protect medical freedom, to preserve parental rights, and especially to stand up for children in schools in Greenwich, Connecticut. Learn more and join the newsletter here: https://greenwichpatriots.us/.

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