ROSENDAHL: Greenwich "Old Guard" Republicans Circle The Wagons; Spend Like Carter, Lie Like Clinton.

February 12, 2024

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By Roger Rosendahl.

The “Old Guard” Republicans who ran Greenwich from 2006 to 2022 are not fiscally conservative and they want you to vote for them and their hand-puppets for the Republican Town Committee (RTC). Their record stands against them.  They claim they are “good people” and fear being attacked, but reality is the opposite.  Their record is far from fiscally conservative, and instead of supporting conservative efforts they’ve been coordinating with Democrats to undermine volunteer Republican coaches, teachers, engineers and other hard working citizens who ran for the RTM. These Old Guard republicans literally helped the far-left takeover of the RTM which started in 2017, and supported the Democrat BET.

Here’s a summary of their recent record (all easily verifiable facts): 

  • Town spending is out of control and has been rising 60% faster than inflation.
  • They voted with Democrats to blow up spending by over $100 Million THIS YEAR ALONE.
  • They appointed Democrats to fill key positions which resulted in the most expensive construction projects in Greenwich history: MISA, New Leb, CMS, OGS and more. 
  • And, as just about everyone predicted, CMS is already over budget.
  • The “Old Guard” RTC promoted the Democrat BET and hoped for a Democrat win.
  • Some even said they “disdain” the Republican party.
  • They attacked fellow Republicans as extremists following the Leftist playbook.
  • They lost the 150th Assembly District and the 36th Senate district.
  • Many ran for the RTM on a slate which promoted members and founders of local far-left organizations (like Indivisible and March-On Greenwich)
  • These folks were endorsed by the Democrats and the all-Democrat “Voting Moms”;
  • They claim to oppose “high-rise” construction but support “affordable housing” as long as it is not in their backyards.

You’ll find more pictures of them with Democrats than with any local Republicans.  For example more of Joe Kelly with Steve Meskers (Democrat 150th) and Tony Turner (former DTC chair) than with local Republicans. 

Joe Kelly (L) and Tony Turner (R) speaking together at the Greenwich RTM on October 30, 2023.
Screenshot, Greenwich TV.

The “Old Guard” clearly doesn’t hold Republican or conservative ideals.  They’ve been in charge of Town spending for a long time and clearly want to keep it that way.  They seem out to destroy Republicanism in Greenwich.  They even encouraged Democrats to change parties support to this effort and some did.

As a result of their desperation to hold on to power, these leftist Republicans have been appeasing Democrats and supported a tax and spend agenda. How did it work out for them and for us? Greenwich population is down but spending is up, taxes are up (20% higher per household after adjusting for inflation) and in 2023, the Dems were at 49% and Republicans were at 51% at last November’s election, 2 percentage points close to taking over Greenwich.  And the RTM is already controlled by Democrats.

Greenwich is founded on Republican values and built by Republicans. This slow and steady erosion of Republicanism needs to stop, and you can stop it.

Now is your chance to support Republican values and principled Republicans.

Principled Republicans who want to bring common sense governance back to Greenwich and want to rejuvenate the Republican Party.  These folks support responsible spending. They are sensible, hardworking Republican volunteers who among many other accomplishments:

  • Drove the highest Republican turnout in Greenwich municipal election history;
  • Kept Greenwich BET Republican in the face of tough opposition – “Old Guard” Republicans aligned with Democrats;
  • Increased women and minority participation in the Republican party and Ticket;
  • Brought the RTC website and social media presence into the 21st century; and
  • Fought to keep Greenwich’s historic downtown.

Please vote for these fiscally conservative, hardworking, principled Republicans in the upcoming primary on March 5th.  These Republicans strongly support sensible and responsible spending instead of over-ther-top construction projects; they want to re-focus on academic achievement in modernized schools; and they will stop Greenwich from turning into another failed Democrat city full of high-rises and high taxes like neighboring Stamford or Yonkers.

Please vote only for these:

District 2:

  • George Hritz
  • Aldo Pascarella
  • Susan Schieffelin
  • Erika Walsh

District 4

  • Kristen Niemynski
  • Richard Niemynski
  • Natasha Parrello
  • Amber Pietrafeso
  • Lumnije Zogaj

District 5

  • Gideon Fountain
  • Maria Herrmann-Schnabl
  • Sharon Kistler

District 8

  • Blazej Cichy
  • Michael DeVita
  • Phil Dodson      
  • Gail Lauridsen
  • Joe Montanaro
  • Joe Solari

District 9

  • Chris Bradicich
  • Mike Brescia
  • Roberto Fernandez
  • John LaManna
  • Dan Sinisi

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