Est. 1802 ·

Stamford Parents United To Hold Academic Success Summit On September 17th


Stamford Parents United

Stamford Parents United is a group of parents in Stamford who continue to grow concerned with the declining academic standards of our public schools: only 40% of students are proficient in reading, only 33% of students are proficient in math, and only 20% of the courses have curriculum. ​The children & families of Stamford deserve better! Learn more at:
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Kendall Svengalis

We have similar issues in Guilford, where 764 of 3,000 students (24%) are not proficient in math and 400 of 3,000 students (14%) are not proficient in reading. Instead, our woke administration is hyper-focused on CRT, DEI, ESJ, and all the other divisive virtue signaling initiatives that won't do anything to address these deficiencies. They have also neglected safety issues, with a school climate plan that has not been updated since 2012. Even that original plan was grossly deficient.

Kendall Svengalis

The Greater Education Council of Connecticut (GECC) has just issued a cease and desist order to the Guilford BOE to stop this indoctrination of our students that permeates every grade from K-12. And despite the fact Guilford is experiencing teacher shortages, the administration and BOE are doubling down on the GPS web site by setting ideological qualifiers for those wishing to teach (i.e. indoctrinate) in our town. This is clearly illegal under CT state law.

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