• The Signs Of Democrat Panic

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    We heard plenty of grumbling from folks unhappy to see Greenwich parks and public spaces blanketed with democrat political signs a week ahead of what the town's ordinance seems to allow, and in an apparent break with tradition.

    Want to know our take?

    It looks like the Democrats are nervous and probably a little desperate for attention.

    And they should be.

    Polls are showing Trump is up in battleground states, and predict he will win in the electoral college.

    While Trump may not be predicted to win in Connecticut, the state is nowhere near as blue as the mainstream media would lead you to believe. Visible signs of Trump support are growing every single day, with yard signs and flags popping up all across the state. We've even got two Trump stores in Connecticut now, and they always seem to be busy.

    Wearing a Trump shirt in Connecticut no longer results in dirty looks and angry words.

    Nowadays, people sporting Trump gear are met with smiles and cheers, particularly among young men. People are no longer afraid to admit they are voting for Trump this time around, either. Even many democrats we know have already committed to voting for the orange man because they recognize he is exactly the kind of person needed at this particular juncture in our country's history.

    Meanwhile, the Democrat narrative is falling apart right before our very eyes.

    Like yesterday when Bill Clinton admitted if the Biden-Harris Administration had properly vetted illegals, the murder of Laken Riley probably wouldn't have happened.

    Or when JD Vance blew up an ABC reporter for acknowledging that a handful of Colorado apartment complexes were in fact taken over by Venezuelan gangs, including Tren de Aragua, the same gang that Connecticut law enforcement was warned about last month.

    We have not forgotten that Connecticut's junior senator who is up for re-election, Chris Murphy, has said the people he cares about most are illegal immigrants. Murphy's opponent, Matt Corey, is an America first guy who supports Trump's agenda on the border.

    It's worth noting that at least 117,000 illegals already live in Connecticut, costing taxpayers an estimated $1.28 billion. We wonder how many of them plan on voting? And figure that's probably one of the main reasons why Democrats and their front organizations, like the League of Women Voters, vehemently oppose voter identification.

    Murphy shot a hole through his own "gun safety" narrative when he admitted that "no gun law in the world is going to stop somebody from picking up a firearm and doing something dumb with it."

    Another narrative with a hole in it is global warming: brand-new research shows there's been no change in the warming rate since the 1970s.

    The green energy narrative is wearing pretty thin, too, especially after people opened their electric bills over the summer and found a whopping 30%+ public benefits charge.

    The abortion narrative is a non-issue in Connecticut for all intents and purposes, but don't tell that to Democrats who campaign on "repro rights" like their lives depend on it.

    If you want to kill your own baby in a procedure that involves "pulling off a leg or two" or by an injection of the same chemical combination—potassium chloride—that is used to execute prisoners on death row, so be it. Connecticut law says you have a right to do that, so go ahead if your conscience will allow it.

    The gender ideology narrative seems to be at a tipping point with report after report exposing "gender affirming care" as nothing more than pseudoscientific experimentation that can cause permanent harm, including sterility, infertility and a host of other potential long-term consequences.

    Thanks to Democrat policies, Connecticut taxpayers have been funding gender-affirming care via the state's Husky Insurance program since 2015; that program has since been expanded to include children of illegal immigrants aged 15 and younger. Inmates can obtain gender-affirming care in Connecticut. And third grade boys can access "menstrual products" in school bathrooms, thanks to Democrats like Steve Meskers.

    The narrative around "racial and social justice" has been exposed as nothing more than blatant racism and discrimination; most people have had more than enough "unconscious bias" and DEI training by now.

    Americans are also rejecting the woke "Indigenous Peoples Day" narrative in which Democrats are attempting to "correct America's whitewashed history" by blaming our "shameful past" for ushering in "a wave of devastation... perpetrating violence, stealing land, and spreading disease..."

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    This sentiment reminds us that a Columbus statue in New Haven was removed to "correct" history.

    Of course, it's hard to think of "correcting history" without Orwell coming to mind:

    "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."

    That leaves us with the last part of the failing Democrat narrative—calling Trump, and all of our friends, family and neighbors who support him, "extremists" who are a "threat to democracy"—nothing more than a desperate ploy to keep people divided based on fear.

    It's quite literally all they've got left—getting you to hate on your neighbors.

    Yet even this narrative has lost its power, as more and more people, including democrats and independents, recognize the real extremists are the ones who treat illegal immigrants better than American citizens and fail to protect all children from evil agendas. The real extremists oppose basic election integrity and border security measures. And the real extremists want to rewrite our country's history through the lens of critical race theory.

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    Greenwich Patriots

    Greenwich Patriots organized in 2021 to help protect medical freedom, to preserve parental rights, and especially to stand up for children in schools in Greenwich, Connecticut. Learn more and join the newsletter here: https://greenwichpatriots.us/.

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