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By now, you have likely heard the news. An "After School Satan Club" has announced that it will soon be holding meetings at an elementary school in Lebanon, CT.
You may have even heard some of the reasons why. The Satan Club deliberately sets up shop in schools that already have an after-school "Good News" Christian student club.
They oppose any Christian presence in public schools, even after hours, and they weaponize current understandings of the First Amendment in hopes of provoking opposition to them that would also require removal of the Christian club. They also claim to be merely goofing, not really believers in Satan but merely rationalists who oppose Christian beliefs.
At FIC, we responded with some goofing of our own.
The devil is proud and hates to be mocked. A self-described "Ordained Minister of Satan" from Newington objects to FIC exposing on social media the shocking backstory behind the After School Satan Club's arrival at the local elementary school. But we are only sharing what has been widely reported in the local press, based on interviews with the Satanists themselves.Β
From Hearst CT Media:
"A student at Lebanon Elementary School had asked to join the Good News Club, Everett said, but the child's mother said she did not feel comfortable with the Christian club, so she reached out to the Satanic Temple about launching a local club."
From a front page story in the Hartford Courant yesterday:
"According to June Everett of Colorado, campaign director for the clubs, the Satan Club was requested by a parent from Lebanon Elementary School as an alternative to the Good News Club that meets there."
"What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?" Jesus asks in Scripture. He meant it rhetorically. But apparently there's a mom in Lebanon who really did respond with a serpent.
At least according to media accounts. The Satanist minister claims these accounts are false.
Either way, we here at FIC know that spiritual warfare is real. Though we do not speak of it often, we have been engaged in it all along. Indeed, there is an FIC Prayer Team that has been conducting weekly prayer calls providing spiritual cover to FIC, the Wolfgangs, and all of you--everyone who makes FIC's work possible--for over a decade.
A growing awareness of the presence of the demonic is something we have seen all across the pro-life and pro-family movement in recent years. Just two months ago Peter Wolfgang attended the Family Research Council event in Washington, DC formerly known as the "Value Voters Summit." It has been renamed the "Pray Vote Stand Summit" and included a greater emphasis on spiritual warfare than we have ever seen in the 17 years since Peter first attended.
At FIC, we have known all along what we are really up against. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12).
To the untrained eye, that may sound like we are demonizing our human opponents. The truth is just the opposite. We know that our human opponents are not our real adversaries. They are in the grip of our real Adversary. We want to liberate them too.
Keeping this perspective in mind actually makes thingsΒ lessΒ polarizing. It is a reminder that--in our deeply-divided, hyper-partisan era--the Biblical worldview is the only one that can truly heal our land. Even in Connecticut.Β
Against the growing darkness, FIC will continue to fight for "the true Light, which lighteth every man," with your help. Thank you.
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