Est. 1802 ·

MONTANARO: Support GOP Progress

February 24, 2024
Republicans in District 8, Cos Cob

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The handful of individuals who are now misrepresenting themselves as the “endorsed candidates in District 8”, and questionably filed petitions to force a primary after half of them did not even attend the caucus in January, are going after members of the hardest working RTC in the state. We are gaining more recognition and support by the day. The Six people being primaried all won in decisive fashion on caucus night in January which was held at a packed St. Lawrence Society in Cos Cob.

These Six include two members of the Greenwich Republican leadership: Gail Lauridsen (Secretary) and Joe Montanaro (Vice Chairman), along with Joe Solari (CT-GOP State Central Rep), Phil Dodson (26 year GPD Veteran-Retired Lieutenant), Mike DeVita (a life-long resident and grandson of immigrants from Rose, Italy) and Blazej Cichy (newcomer to the RTC who was inspired to get involved thanks to our Common Sense approach).

The six of us were also part of the dozens of regular citizens who were ruthlessly and falsely attacked in the media and online by a group of deceitful individuals. They all colluded with each other to push a disgusting and disgraceful narrative that there were “extremists” running for the RTM.

Many of these same groups and individuals are attempting to infiltrate the Republican party to make it more like the Democrat party. They have switched parties on paper, not because they believe in Republican values, but because they want to undermine the progress of the Republican party. Almost all these individuals and groups are now under SEEC investigation for their despicable acts. (See article: Greenwich RTC Chair Files SEEC Complaint, Calls "The Voting Moms" An "Unregistered PAC" That Misled In 2023 RTM Election)

We are at an inflection point, but that battle is too broad to be fought individually. We must first handle our business as a team on a local level.

I think I speak for most, if not all of the new, hardworking men and women who have dedicated their time to the RTC over the past year or two:

We do this with the purest of intentions. We work tirelessly for an often-thankless endeavor.

We do this with purpose, heart, and soul. We are all regular citizens with no political aspirations. We go up against National left-wing organizations like Indivisible, we fend off National political figures who side with our opponents, we stand up to Hartford, we operate with an electoral disadvantage thanks to years of Republican attrition and we do it all on our own time as volunteers.

Our goal is to inform and inspire the masses. Encourage involvement and stand proudly with the common-sense majority. We represent a return to normalcy, parental rights, standing up to Hartford mandates, budget oversight, accountability, and transparency.

Our police and firemen deserve fully functional, modern equipment so they can safely, effectively, and efficiently do their jobs.

Our town facilities and school fields should be held to the highest of standards. Our school maintenance budget should truly maintain our schools. The BoE's failure to deliver on these items is a major issue for our students, parents and taxpayers at large.

Our great teachers who keep their own political and social beliefs out of the classroom should be compensated fairly. This inspires the best of the best to continue in public education. 

One of the goals of this RTC is to create a more transparent environment on the elected and appointed boards and committees in Greenwich. This transparency helps to hold our officials accountable.

From the BET to the BoE to the Building Committees and throughout town hall. The people at large should have more influence. Power should not be centralized with a select few.

We want to involve the average person from every socioeconomic background. I thought our current and former Republican officials were on that same wavelength. The attacks that this RTC has recently received have proven otherwise.

It is a terrible optic when certain current and former political figures use their power and influence to undercut regular citizen volunteers who have become interested in local politics and have shown the willingness to work incredibly hard for the cause.

Especially when those citizen volunteers inspired a record 62% Republican turnout. 6,900 Registered Republicans voted in this past municipal election. BET and BoE top vote getters received nearly 10,000 votes each. That means unaffiliated voters came out for the endorsed candidates of this Republican Town Committee.

Moving the GOP forward should be something every Common-Sense Majority member can get behind. We proved this in November by working hard for the entire Republican ticket and winning. Enough of the nonsense. Join us on March 5th at Cos Cob Middle School or by Absentee Ballot (now available at Town Hall in the Clerk’s Office), and let’s keep the momentum flowing into this new year.

Vote District 8: Please Vote for ALL 6

Gail Lauridsen - Incumbent Secretary
Joe Montanaro - Incumbent Vice Chairman
Joe Solari - Incumbent CTGOP State Central Rep.
Phil Dodson - Incumbent RTC Member
Mike DeVita - New RTC Member
Blazej Cichy - New RTC Member

Thank you and be well.

Joe Montanaro
Greenwich Republicans
Cos Cob District 8 RTC Member

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Krystal Waters

This is incredible. I have never seen any reporting about liberals infighting between the issues of BLM, Antifa, Planned Parenthood, Immigration, LGTB, Israel, Ukraine, Taxes, Economy, Climate, Crime, Education or Healthcare. You would think with all these issues, there would be some disagreement and power struggles. Are we to believe that all liberals and progressives are in agreement regarding all these issues and satisfactorily represented by the Democratic Party?

A concerned parent


Really, this MAGA slate is going to get trounced.

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