• Unveiling The Real Motives Behind Early Voting Restrictions And Gun-Free Zones In Connecticut AKA The Ballot Of Gun-Free Zones

    March 27, 2024
    Public Domain.

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    This week marked my first experience with early voting, and I found the process thorough and reassuring in documenting my vote. However, I'm left pondering the necessity of ballot boxes in Connecticut, especially with the proposal to designate all ballot locations as gun-free zones, H.B. No. 5448

    Connecticut has seen recent legislative changes, including revoking open carry rights and implementing early voting measures, ostensibly for public safety and democratic facilitation. Yet, the proposal to restrict firearm possession within 1,000 feet of ballot boxes raises questions about the state's true motives. 

    While early voting initially seemed a sensible response post-pandemic, the call for gun-free zones at all ballot locations suggests a deeper agenda. Why maintain ballot boxes alongside early voting? This correlation prompts us to question the real purpose behind such measures: safeguarding the electoral process or curbing Second Amendment rights under the guise of safety? Proponents argue these restrictions prevent potential violence at polling places, but data consistently show law-abiding citizens with firearms aren't the perpetrators. Instead, they enhance public safety. Imposing arbitrary restrictions risks disenfranchising citizens and undermines democracy.

    The right to bear arms is constitutional, and any attempt to restrict it must withstand scrutiny. Moreover, equating gun restrictions near ballot boxes with electoral integrity is dubious, deflecting attention from genuine threats like voter suppression and fraud. 

    In conclusion, transparency and accountability are vital regarding early voting and gun-free zones in Connecticut. Citizens must question these measures' motives and hold representatives accountable for upholding democracy and individual liberty, without succumbing to fear and political expedience.

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    Paul A

    Laws are being created in opposition to the Constitution. That should tell you everything about Connecticuts direction. They are creating laws restricting rights with no basis to enact except to change how we live as free citizens. Ct. Is obviously legislating with a socialist agenda. Any state that wants to adopt California standards has the wrong intentions towards what freedom stands for. Trust in God not in false idols. They don’t know better. Happy Easter.

    Last edited 6 months ago by Paul A
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