Greenwich Republican Caucus In District 5 Was Better Than 2022, But Had An Unexpected Guest

January 17, 2024

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With all the kerfuffle about the RTC caucuses, we thought we’d take a little trip down memory lane.

Two years ago marked the first time that many Patriots ever attended an RTC caucus in their lives.

The 2022 process felt chaotic and obscure for newcomers, almost as if purposely designed to discourage them from joining the race.  The rules varied widely by district, depending on who was in charge.  There was absolutely no consistency across districts whatsoever.  The caucuses were obviously tilted in favor of incumbents who were familiar with the rules.

In District 5, incumbents didn’t have to read speeches, as they were automatically on the ballot.

When two newcomers tried to read their own speeches, they were told the rules, which were not made clear, stated you couldn’t read your own speech.  When the newcomers asked if they could read each other’s speech instead to make it fair (they were the only candidates who didn’t have an opportunity to share speeches), the Rules committee refused and said the rules absolutely could not be broken.  

Right after that, five people arrived 30 minutes late to the caucus, and were allowed to enter in direct violation of the rules.  

One caucus goer objected to allowing the late entry.  He said it was a clear attempt at ballot harvesting, but he was subsequently threatened by an Old Guard republican who screamed “get the hell out of here” in an angry voice.  All of the late-comers were subsequently allowed to vote in direct violation of the rules.

Complaints about the 2022 RTC caucuses being unfair and chaotic were entirely ignored by the press, unlike in 2024. 

This year’s process wasn't perfect either, but it was at least consistent across districts, transparent, and fair for participants.

For example, in District 5 an issue was raised about an RTC candidate who passed out election materials inside the caucus room where people were waiting to register, a direct violation of caucus rules.  That same candidate raised an issue about pre-printed ballots to prevent those ballots from being seen or used by anyone, save for one person whose ballot was discarded.  

At least one candidate notified the RTC about running prior to the caucus in order to be included on the pre-printed ballot.  The candidate complained that the pre-printed ballots could not be used and their name hadn’t been “seen” by people waiting to register as had been the case with the other candidate who already passed out election materials.  

The issue was discussed in an open and transparent fashion.  An agreement was reached on how to proceed to ensure fairness of the process and to ensure that the pre-printed names could also be “seen” in a fair manner. 

The whole caucus voted and agreed on the rule in a way that was fair for everyone, a vast improvement over how the process worked in 2022.

But like we said, still not perfect, because in that same District 5 caucus, a “republican” who had not earned party privileges was permitted to stay and observe the entire caucus, which is not just a violation of caucus rules, but appears to be a violation of state statute


The craziest part of that story is who that “republican” was… 

Emily Goodman (right), one of the The Voting Moms duo that orchestrated a take-over of the RTM, the town's legislative body.

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Greenwich Patriots

Greenwich Patriots organized in 2021 to help protect medical freedom, to preserve parental rights, and especially to stand up for children in schools in Greenwich, Connecticut. Learn more and join the newsletter here:

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Emily Goodman is a dishonest garbage person. Harsh I know, but anyone who truly believes in Democracy would not want to stoop to dishonest dirty tricks.

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