ARORA: Greenwich Democrats Strike A Faustian Bargain

A political cartoon showing William Gladstone as Dr. Faust making a pact with the devil in order to satisfy his political ambitions. Public domain.

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By Former CT State Representative Harry Arora

Greenwich BET Democrats have struck a Faustian bargain - a bargain in which one trades one's morals for material benefit and lure of power. They bargained away our students' safety and the CMS project's timeliness for an electoral narrative. How and why?

Republican-led BET approved funds for the new Central Middle School rebuild. The proposed plan is to begin construction in October 2024 and complete it by August 2026. The budget is $112 Million, of which $7 Million will be state-funded and $105 Million from Greenwich taxpayers. The size and site of the building have caused the budget to escalate.

Siting and sizing of the school have been controversial. There has been debate about the size and site of the new structure. The rebuild at the proposed site requires rock blasting, adding 600 trucks of topsoil, cutting down 2500 DBH of trees, and blasting out the rock outcropping, which has been in Greenwich forever (literally since the glaciers melted). The concern is that rock blasting/hammering and heavy equipment in the vicinity could further damage the condemned structure while students are in the building. That poses a risk to the integrity of the building and could cause a long delay to the project. If, in 2025, the current structure is found unfit, students will have to be relocated.

Republicans wanted a professional engineer's certification that the building would not be compromised during construction. Democrats opposed requiring a professional engineer's certification. They objected to that requirement because "No professional engineer would be willing to say that this building was not going to be compromised from construction in proximity." If no engineer would certify that the building will not be compromised, why would anyone want our students to be there during construction? Their position is that monitors will inform us if damage happens, and action will be taken once it is detected. To wait for damage to act is not a responsible course of action.

Republicans approved funds, by a split vote, but focused on safety and timing. Republicans insisted on immediately hiring a professional engineer to do such analysis, which was agreed upon in principle. While that provided some assurance, members split their vote, providing the funding, yet sending a strong signal that the safety of our students is most important. Greenwich Republicans focus on our student's safety, the timing of CMS, and getting the project right; Greenwich Democrats are focused on a virtue vote before the election. This is their Faustian bargain.

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ARVOY: Greenwich, Protect Your Town.

Binney Park, Old Greenwich.

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By Paul Arvoy, Stamford Resident.

I would like to share with you some insights on how a city, taken over by false narratives and residents who kept quiet, has been eviscerated from being a thriving business and residential city. Recently, a diverse group of residents consisting of Republicans, Democrats and members of the Stamford community came together to try and take back our city. We need a miracle.
Stamford, a Democrat run city, is an example of how a community can be divided by a party that doesn't run on policy but runs by demeaning anyone that opposes their direction or does not comply with their narrative. This issue extends well beyond the border lines that separate our cities and towns. This is an overreach of mandates being handed down to our communities through a Democrat stronghold in Hartford and implemented by a Democrat stronghold in Stamford.
Powerful Democrats in Stamford are sidelining even other Democrats who have a different opinion and filling positions with compliant officials. Stamford residents failed to stand up to this for decades and are paying a hefty price to save our community from Hartford and from being silenced. 
Currently, Stamford struggles with retaining large and small retail establishments along with desperately needed corporate headquarters that were once a staple of our thriving community. Empty retail space that continues to grow at an alarming pace is being filled with Stamford's new venture of smoke shops and marijuana dispensaries. This new brand of retail is creating fewer jobs, increasing crime and making our streets and communities unsafe.

Greenwich, you still have a chance.

Stand for your children's education. Continue to be engaged and hold your Superintendent accountable. Make sure that your Board of Education (BOE) is doing the same. Your BOE is the Superintendent’s oversight not their facilitator. Demand transparency. Expect a rigorous curriculum that is based on meritocracy. Engage in your child's education because quality education determines their successful future.

Stand for your families. Some Democrat legislators believe that your children are the state's responsibility and not yours. Your elected officials, bureaucrats, and school districts can enact policies that undermine your rights as parents and make life-changing decisions for your child. This misguided belief needs to be met with strong push back. Demand schools get back to education and put an end to indoctrination. This blatant disregard of parents, deceitfully separating parents from children, is sheer madness. Protect your family.

Stand for your community. You built your community. People coming in have a responsibility to strengthen your community, not take over. When you are afraid to be who you are, say what you want and share your beliefs for fear of being silenced, you know your community has been breached. A weak community has no choice but to push back on a continual basis or relent. Give up and you will become like Stamford.

You don't have to look any further than 1 exit and a 10-minute drive to see firsthand how a powerful Democrat run city becomes eviscerated with declining education, struggling retail, housing complexes, divided communities, silenced residents and increasing taxes. Greenwich residents, I am seeing this firsthand and watching it creep into your community. I am an outsider looking in Greenwich, and you still have a chance. Make it count.

Republican candidates are your allies. Republicans are going to ask you for your vote on November 7th. Be proud and vote for the Greenwich you are. A diverse, well-run town with 100+ year Republican leadership and low taxes.

I am Paul Arvoy, a registered Stamford Democrat, who has been silenced by Democrats in power for going against their narrative. Thank you for reading.

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice and Attorney General Campaigns Helped Expose Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, NYS AG Letitia James, Fulton County DA Fani Willis, and their treasonous RICO enterprise.

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Who would have thought it?

This entire crew of criminals…Not only thought it…But they all participated in it…

Every single one of these individuals benefited financially due to the illegal ActBlue Money Laundering Election Fraud RICO Enterprise…

Letitia James purposefully and wilfully looked the other way when George Yourke filed several fraud complaints against ActBlue.

ActBlue was explicitly told to stop charging George Yourke’s credit card beginning in 2018.

Their illicit and fraudulent scheme continued unabated for years.

George Yourke was okay with the cheating initially, because it benefitted the democrat party. But as time passed the fraud increased as did the unauthorized campaign finance contributions made to campaigns in his name without his permission.

George contacted UBS Financial Services…To STOP the ActBlue credit card fraud and illegal campaign finance contributions being made in his name. He was very upset that he was being charged multiple times a day by the same PACs like and Emily’s list.

George was clearly upset after years of fraudulent charges and illegal campaign finance contributions being made in his name. George went so far as to even change his credit card # to stop the fraudulent charges and illegal campaign finance contributions.

George filed complaints to UBS Financial Services, New York State Attorney General Letitia James, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, The Federal Elections Commission, Congressman Jerry Nadler, Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator Kristen Gillibrand.

What happened? Did it stop?

Did Letitia James do anything about it? Did she stop the credit card fraud and illegal campaign finance contributions that she personally benefited from?

What did the FEC do?

They told him that he needed to correct his complaint…

Which he did after the alloted 15 day time period due to the holiday season.

What was the result? ActBlue falsely claimed that there were no charges without his authorization…

Referring back to George Yourke’s first letter to ActBlue in 2018 we can see that the statement filed by ActBlue is categorically false.

Especially, when the complaint to UBS and New York State Attorney General Letitia James, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and the FEC in 2021.

Did ActBlue’s fraudulent charges and illegal campaign finance contributions ever stop after the 2021 complaint?


Who were the beneficiaries?

JOSH KAUL - Esteemed Attorney General in Wisconsin

Raise your hand…

Come on don’t be shy…

Who else benefited from the ActBlue money laundering enterprise?

The most highly funded state Supreme Court Justice election in history…

Someone, from Georgia who knows all about RICO benefitted Biggly…

But don’t worry the big legal brain behind the Stacey Abrams ballot harvesting and money laundering RICO enterprise is on the job…As the newest chairperson at the FEC…

Perhaps, if those who were entrusted to safeguard our elections had a shred of intellectual honesty or integrity this might be a higher priority for the FEC.

Taken as a single instance George Yourke’s complaint may seem insignificant. However, when the ActBlue money laundering election fraud RICO enterprise is truly examined we can see how these small $1-$10 contributions really add up and affect the outcome of elections…

Isn’t that right Joe…


Thank you for reading Immutable Truth - Election Integrity. This post is public so feel free to share it.


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Annie Lamont Joins Board Of Directors At Bloomberg

Source: Oak HC/FT

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Bloomberg announced that Annie Lamont, the First Lady of Connecticut, will join its new Board of Directors.

Annie sure has the Midas touch when it comes to her company Oak HC/FT, a $3.3 billion venture capital firm that she co-founded in 2014 to invest exclusively in healthcare and fintech entrepreneurs. 

Many people immediately think of the Sema4 covid testing controversy when they hear the name of Annie’s firm mentioned.

The State of Connecticut paid Sema4 $23 million dollars for a no bid contract for covid testing during the pandemic. Of course, many people will also recall that covid testing was required by the Lamont Administration at the time. Yet somehow Lamont, who made $54 million while in office as governor, managed to escape ethics concerns over this very suspicious arrangement with his wife's company. It is unclear how much Annie made off the deal.

More recently, in August 2023, Annie earned the nickname "Saudi Annie" after it became public knowledge that her company, Oak HC/FT, has been in an investment partnership with Sanabil Investments, a Saudi Arabia-owned investment firm. The firm is a wholly-owned company by Public Investment Fund (PIF), one of the largest sovereign wealth funds in the world, with estimated assets of US$700 billion.

Source: Twitter.

Annie currently serves on a number of other boards, including Advise Health Holdings, Brightline, CareBridge, Main Street Health, Modern Age, Quartet, Rubicon Founders, Truepill, Vesta Health and VillageMD. She is a Board Observer at Precision Medicine Group. Annie has also served on the Board of Trustees at Stanford University.

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FDA Authorizes New Novavax COVID Vaccine Made With Moth Cells

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By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at a glance:

On Sept. 11, the FDA announced it had approved reformulated monovalent COVID-19 shots by Pfizer and Moderna for use in individuals 12 years of age and older. They also issued EUA for use of the reformulated jabs in children aged 6 months to 11 years.

The updated mRNA injections contain a single modified RNA said to correspond to the Omicron variant XBB.1.5., which was the dominant variant in the U.S. for most of 2023, but which has since been replaced by other variants.

According to authorities, however, this strain is different enough from the strains in any of the previous shots to recommend everyone take it, regardless of their previous COVID-19 jab history.

Fortunately, most Americans are not falling for the same lies this time around. Most have realized that the shots are ineffective and can cause all sorts of health problems, including heart damage and immune system deregulation. Most people are also tired of the never-ending boosters.

In all, high-risk individuals (such as the elderly and/or immunocompromised of all ages) who were recommended to get additional doses will have received as many as six mRNA injections at this point — a three-dose primary series in 2021, two boosters to the primary series during 2021/2022 and one bivalent booster in the fall of 2022. The latest reformulation for XBB.1.5 will be the seventh in just three years.

Non-mRNA shot authorized as public rejects mRNA

The uptake of the new monovalent shots has been disappointing, however. As of Oct. 12, only 7 million Americans had rolled up their sleeves.

For comparison, by Oct. 12, 2022, more than 18 million had received the bivalent booster released that September, and by May 2023, 17% of the population — 56.5 million people — had received it.

Assuming the U.S. population is 340.47 million people, 7 million is only about 2.06%.

According to CIDRAP News, booster uptake is being “hindered by prior infections” and “fear of side effects.” That’s what an October study found.

As noted in that paper:

“The most commonly reported reason for not having been boosted was a prior SARS-CoV-2 infection (39.5%), followed by concern about vaccine side effects (31.5%), believing that the booster would not provide additional protection over the vaccines already received (28.6%), and concern about booster safety (23.4%) or that it would not protect from SARS-CoV-2 infection (23.1%).

“For themes related to reasons for not having been boosted, those 60 years of age or older were less likely to select items related to knowledge … or logistical concerns … about the vaccine; while those reporting Hispanic ethnicity were more likely to convey concerns about logistics than those reporting non-Hispanic ethnicity. …

“Finally, compared to college graduates, those with some college or technical school were significantly more likely to select items related to the risks and benefits of the bivalent vaccine not being clear as reasons for not having been boosted.”

Note how they downplayed people’s concern about vaccine side effects. They separated “concern about vaccine side effects” (31.5%) and “concern about booster safety” (23.4%), which is the exact same thing. Add them together, and 54.9% are skipping further boosters due to fears about their safety.

To allay fears, FDA grants EUA to non-mRNA COVID vaccine

The FDA’s authorization of an updated non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine — Nuvaxovid, a subunit protein vaccine made by Novavax — is reportedly part of the strategy to encourage uptake among those who are “hesitant about the mRNA vaccines.”

The updated Novavax vaccine was authorized by the FDA in early October for ages 12 and older, regardless of previous COVID-19 jab status. Like Pfizer’s and Moderna’s new shots, the updated Nuvaxovid targets the SARS-CoV-2 variant XBB.1.5, and the FDA is encouraging people to select whichever shot they prefer (mRNA or non-mRNA).

Novavax is not using well-tested technology either

While Novavax isn’t using the mRNA platform, it’s not using entirely tried and true vaccine technology either. Rather than growing the viral protein in eggs or mammalian cells, as has been done for decades, the company is producing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in moth cells.

As explained by

“The Novavax method uses moth cells to make spike proteins:

  1. Researchers select the desired genes that create certain SARS-CoV-2 antigens (spike protein).
  2. Researchers put the genes into a baculovirus, an insect virus.
  3. The baculovirus infects moth cells and replicates inside them.
  4. These moth cells create lots of spike proteins.
  5. Researchers extract and purify the spike proteins.

“‘The Novavax vaccine has no genetic material, only proteins,’ says Dr. Florescu. ‘The vaccine technology is more traditional, and it’s very similar to a protein-based influenza vaccine.’”

Nuvaxovid also contains a proprietary adjuvant called Matrix-M, which is based on saponin extracted from the bark of the Chilean soapbark tree.

Like other adjuvants, it boosts your body’s immune reaction to the viral protein, which allows a smaller dose of spike protein to be used. According to published studies, Matrix-M has an excellent safety profile, but where have we heard that before? I, for one, will wait for independent corroboration before making such claims.

Effectiveness and safety of Novavax

Novavax is said to have the same degree of effectiveness as the other COVID-19 shots.

According to a study published in early October, the Novavax vaccine released in late 2021 was 31% effective against diagnosed SARS-CoV-2 infection and 50% effective against symptomatic COVID-19 during the first four months. Like the mRNA shots, effectiveness against infection waned from there.

As for safety, Novavax appears to be less risky than the mRNA shots when it comes to myocarditis and other heart-related damage, but serious side effects do occur, as evidenced in data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Out of a cohort of 1,148 teens aged 12 to 17, 52 (3.6%) experienced a severe systemic event after the first dose of Novavax, and 304 (21.9%) had a severe systemic event after the second dose. One teen boy was diagnosed with myocarditis after his second dose, and the FDA officially concluded that his condition was “related to the vaccine.”

Among adults, ages 18 to 64, 2.4% experienced a serious systemic adverse event after the first dose and 13% had a serious event after the second dose. Among the elderly (65 and older), 1.6% had a serious event after the first dose and 4.4% after the second.20 So, clearly, Novavax appears to be far riskier for younger people than older ones.

Curiously, at the last minute, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) decided to push back its authorization of the updated Novavax shot and is asking the company for additional information. In August 2022, the EMA recommended that Novavax add a warning about the possibility of heart inflammation to its vaccine.

So, what is the EMA concerned about now that the FDA isn’t? “FDA did authorize it — but don’t take it, as there must be a significant problem,” Dr. Meryl Nass warned in an Oct. 16 Substack post.

Where’s the emergency?

As mentioned, the FDA has only authorized Novavax for emergency use. It does not have full approval. But wait a second. Wasn’t the COVID-19 emergency declaration officially ended on May 11? It sure was, so, how can the FDA issue EUA for Novavax when there’s no emergency?

Short answer: the FDA made up new rules on the fly. Again.

As noted in the FDA’s letter to Novavax, dated Oct. 3:

“On February 4, 2020, as amended on March 15, 2023, pursuant to Section 564(b)(1)(C) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act … the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) determined that there is a public health emergency, or a significant potential for a public health emergency, that affects, or has a significant potential to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad, and that involves the virus that causes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). …

“On July 13, 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for emergency use of the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine … pursuant to Section 564 of the Act … On October 3, 2023, having concluded that revising this EUA is appropriate to protect the public health or safety under section 564(g)(2) of the Act, FDA is reissuing the May 11, 2023 letter of authorization.”

The emphasis in the above paragraph is mine. There are several curious things going on here. For starters, according to this letter, the FDA authorized Novavax based on the POTENTIAL for a public health emergency, not an actual emergency.

Secondly, it specifies that this potential public health emergency must affect either national security or the health of Americans “living abroad.” Isn’t that curious? Why is there no mention of U.S. citizens who live in the U.S.? To reiterate, the potential emergency only covers two things: threats to national security and citizens who live abroad.

In reading the amendment in the Federal Register, the reason for this oddity becomes clear. That’s the only justification the secretary could use to declare a “possible emergency” that would authorize the FDA to issue the EUA.

There are only four situations under which the HHS secretary can justify EUA and the other three require us to be under attack from a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapon.

The HHS is not going to admit SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, so the HHS Secretary chose the only justification available, which is a “potential” public health emergency “that affects, or has a significant potential to affect, national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad.”

That determination authorized the FDA to issue an EUA to Novavax even though no emergency exists, and even though Americans living in the U.S. are not even covered by the potential emergency. It’s ridiculous, but that’s where we are.

mRNA-related deaths is the real emergency

If there’s an emergency, it’s that children and young adults are dying in record numbers and people are linking those deaths to the mRNA shots, hence the dramatic drop in booster uptake.

As reported by Dr. William Makis and the Ethical Skeptic, the excess mortality for birth to 24-year-olds is now at 41.7% — a historical high, and massively higher than 2020, when excess mortality for this age group remained well within historical norms.

They used COVID to get untested vaccines to market

Importantly, just like the updated mRNA shots, the updated Novavax vaccine has not undergone additional testing. Its safety is entirely based on the original formula, investigational monovalent and bivalent vaccines that didn’t make it to market, and postmarketing data.

According to the FDA, “The data accrued … are relevant to Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted (2023-2024 Formula) as the vaccines are manufactured using a similar process.”

However, it’s not the manufacturing process alone that determines how risky an mRNA shot might be. The antigen used, and other ingredients that may or may not have changed, likely play a far more important role.

Considering the spike is the most pathogenic part of the virus, and the reformulated shots contain an entirely different spike, how can we assume that the safety will be identical to that of the original shots that were based on the Wuhan spike? We can’t.

What we have now is a brand new paradigm where vaccines are allowed to be brought to market without testing, which no doubt is a vaccine maker’s dream come true. They’re also blatantly ignoring clear EUA rules and misusing authority to declare an emergency when none exists.

Also, recall the FDA licensed Comirnaty while simultaneously extending EUA for the Pfizer-BioNTech jab. It was a classic bait and switch, as people were told to get the now “fully licensed” jab, when in fact the shots they received were not licensed at all, but still the experimental and unlicensed EUA product.

According to the law, EUA can only be given when there’s no approved alternative, so once Comirnaty was approved, the FDA lost its legal ability to preserve ANY of the EUAs, even if there was an actual emergency.

Health authorities have gone rogue and make their own rules

Were the law followed, Comirnaty would be the only COVID-19 jab available in the U.S., but here we are, with no emergency and EUAs for both mRNA shots (Pfizer’s and Moderna’s 2023 formulation for children aged 6 months to 11 years) and Novavax, for anyone 12 and older.

On top of that, EUA products were added to the childhood vaccination schedule, which is a clear violation as well. The reason behind this is because that was the only way to permanently indemnify Pfizer and Moderna from financial liability for injuries and deaths.

Current EUA products are also free of liability because the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act liability shield for the COVID-19 vaccines has been extended through Dec. 31, 2024, even though the emergency declaration ended in May.

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Every decision made by the FDA and CDC so far points to the fact that they intend to do away with scientific rigor and just test new vaccines and gene therapies directly on the public. Evidence also tells us they have no qualms about the death toll. At best, they don’t care how many people die. At worst, they hope to maximize excess deaths.

It’s hard for the average person to understand how health authorities could be so callous, but once you understand that these agencies are working with the same globalist cabal that is pushing the green agenda (where humans are to be displaced to protect the environment), the transhumanist agenda (which seeks to transform mankind into biological robots) and the eugenics agenda (which seeks to eliminate “useless eaters” and prevent them from breeding), it becomes easier to see why mass death might be an acceptable outcome if not a goal in itself.

Got the jab? Take action to safeguard your health

If you already got one or more jabs and now have concerns about your health, first and foremost, never take another COVID-19 booster, another mRNA gene therapy shot or a regular vaccine. You need to end the assault on your system.

If you develop symptoms you didn’t have before your shot, I would encourage you to seek out expert help. At present, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) seems to have one of the best treatment protocols for post-jab injuries. It’s called I-RECOVER and can be downloaded from

Dr. Pierre Kory, who cofounded the FLCCC, has transitioned to treating the vaccine injured more or less exclusively. For more information, see Dr. Peter McCullough is also investigating post-jab treatments, which you can find on

The World Health Council has also published lists of remedies that can help inhibit, neutralize and eliminate spike protein, which most experts agree is the primary culprit. I covered these in my 2021 article, “World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox.”

Originally published by Mercola.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children's Health Defense.

Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of

“© [2023] Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Sen. Chris Murphy Melts Down After Johnson Elected Speaker Of House, Blathers Nonsense

Alex Soros (L) and Sen Chris Murphy (R), Source: Twitter.

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U.S. Senator Chris Murphy has been reduced to spouting nonsense after Mike Johnson is elected Speaker of the House. What skeletons are in his closet? Other than his extensive connections to the Communist Party, and his ties to Alex Soros, the radical son of globalist George Soros, that is.

Remember when New Haven Connecticut Communist Party USA leader Joelle Fishman wrote in the People's World on June 28, 2013, that the "union-community coalition" was instrumental in electing Murphy?

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Join FIC Action On Wednesday Or Sunday Evening To Learn More About "Let Parents Parent" For 2024

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Did you hear FIC on the radio last week? We and our allies have been promoting our 2024 Let Parents Parent initiative on social media and news outlets.  Connecticut families need you to learn more and contact your legislators before November 1. Tell your legislators about Marissa Silvestri and her family. Marissa is a Connecticut mom whose two children were socially-gender transitioned in school without her or their dad's knowledge or consent. The school hid it from them for months and fired the school counselor who tried to help. When Marissa and their dad sued the school, our Attorney General Tong, with our state attorneys, intervened. They intervened in court and told Marissa she was wrong to resist.  You can read more about it at FIC's blog and our legal brief.

We are hosting two urgent ZOOM meetings this week.  In our meeting we will give you more information and ask you to be a "champion for kids" in your local legislative district.  We need volunteers all over Connecticut. 

Schools have no business keeping secrets from parents.  You, your pastor, your friends and relatives have two opportunities this week to learn more.  Please help us spread the word by sharing this e-mail, inviting others, visiting our "Let Parents Parent" website and our flyer.

Unable to attend our zoom? Click here to learn more about "Let Parents Parent":

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Darien Parents Advising On How To Opt Out Of "DESSA-Mini" Psychological Evaluation In School

Source: CASEL

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All elementary school and Middlesex Middle School parents recently received an email from their principal providing notice that Darien Public Schools (DPS), in partnership with the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE), is administering the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA-Mini) to assess eight social emotional learning (SEL) skills that are aligned to CASEL standards and serve as a foundation to the RULER program.

The assessment is entirely voluntary and parents may opt-out of the DESSA-Mini by filling out a linked form in their Principal's email communication. All opt-out requests must be received by November 1st. 

Darien Parents highlighted the following issues raised by the DESSA-Mini assessment:

You can learn more about Darien Parents on their website.

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Greenwich First Selectperson Candidate Wants To Install Speed Cameras, Accepts Dubious Endorsement From Senator Backed By Alex Soros

Laura Erickson, Source: Greenwich Democrats Email

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Democrat Greenwich First Selectperson candidate Laura Erickson announced by email today that installing speed cameras will be one of her top priorities for Greenwich should she get elected on November 7th.

"The state legislature passed a law this July to enable towns and municipalities to get to “Vision Zero”– meaning no fatalities on our streets. This legislation provides a pathway for speed cameras for enforcement," said Erickson.

Erickson is calling for a piloting an automated speed camera program on both Stanwich and Orchard Streets based on a recent traffic study. She promised she would "use all the tools at our disposal" in order "to enforce speed limits" and protect lives.

Of course not everyone is happy about the prospects of "Vision Zero" which has a rather Orwellian, "Big Brother Is Watching" kind of vibe.

One person we spoke with who is upset with the proposal said, "Speed cameras are OK to get people to slow down but recording license plates and sending a speeding ticket in the mail is DEFINITELY NOT FOR GREENWICH!"

Another person familiar with the proposal said, "How tone deaf that Erikson is looking to fund a pet project for herself and hobbyist friends, while we have issues with our schools, zoning/overbuilding, and huge financial considerations for the future of our town."

Erickson also used the email to promote another bad endorsement, fresh off accepting a bad endorsement from CT Attorney General William Tong, the same guy who is in the midst of a court battle where he is demanding that a Connecticut mom must defer to school officials, and socially transition her own children against her and their father’s will.

Now she's accepting another dubious endorsement, this time from U.S. Senator Chris Murphy who has extensive connections to the Communist Party, and is also tied to Alex Soros, the radical son of globalist George Soros. Murphy's long-time relationship with the Communist Party is so close that New Haven Connecticut Communist Party USA leader Joelle Fishman wrote in the People's World on June 28, 2013:

The union-community coalition that came together around the city elections and the 2011 jobs program, was instrumental in electing Sen. Chris Murphy, a champion for jobs and working people, to the U.S. Senate.

Source: X (formerly Twitter)

The people of Greenwich are already aware of at least one other globalist in their midst, Scott Kalb, who is running for the Town's finance body, the Board of Estimation and Taxation (BET). He spent 11 years on the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council on Long-Term Investing, and even served as both Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

Now he's responsible for promoting environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues for New America, where another son of George Soros, Jonathan Soros, previously served on the Board from 2012 through 2018.

According to CompStack, Soros Fund Management leased office space in Greenwich at 2 Pickwick Plaza from 2021 through 2032, so it would be wise for residents to pay attention to the globalists living in their backyard.

Source: CompStack

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Greenwich Yard Signs, Allegedly Paid From "Signgate" Settlement, Appear After New York Times Fluff Piece

Joe Biden and Mark Kordick, Source: Facebook

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Yesterday, the New York Times published a fluff piece about disgraced former Greenwich Police Officer, Mark Kordick and his role in what has become known as "Signgate" in town.

Kordick, a Democrat, a member of left-wing Greenwich Indivisible and an ardent never-Trumper, decided to make political signs that tied Camillo to Trump before the 2019 municipal election, hoping that any association with the "Orange Man" might reflect poorly on Camillo.

It didn't work.

Camillo won that election with nearly 60% of the vote, became First Selectman and, effectively, police commissioner. 

Five months later, Kordick retired from the Greenwich Police with a full pension, coincidentally at the same time he was about to be fired over multiple, serious disciplinary issues, including allegedly creating a hostile work environment and harassing a female former police captain.

Source: Gustovich v. Town of Greenwich

Kordick filed notice of his intent to sue Greenwich the following month, alleging that he had been retaliated against, and that Camillo had jeopardized his employment by exposing his underhanded role in the childish Signgate prank.

The case dragged on for years until the Town's insurance company forced a settlement with Kordick for $650,000 in September, even though the Greenwich RTM Claims Committee had just voted against a settlement.

For some reason the New York Times felt compelled to cover the story more than a month after the news broke, perfectly timed to throw a wrench into Camillo's re-election campaign.

This appears to be by design, as it's not the first time that political operatives in Greenwich have called upon The Gray Lady to do their bidding.

Just last year former RTC Chair Dan Quigley was featured in the Times complaining about the "far right" take-over of the town's Republican Party, a take-over that resulted in Quigley getting completely booted from the Republican Town Committee after he failed to support parental rights and chose to sow division inside his own party.

Now that Kordick has settlement money, he's apparently decided to taunt Camillo once again by repeating his childish sign prank, but this time by tying Camillo to Ron DeSantis, who held a campaign event in Greenwich attended by Camillo.

The new signs were allegedly paid with funds from Kordick's settlement with the Town.

The fine print says, "Paid for by Mark Kordick with proceeds from "Kordick v. Town of Greenwich, et al"

The Centinal heard from a number of Greenwich residents familiar with Kordick, a well-known radical left political operative in Town.

Not a single one of them was surprised to see Kordick, who is running for re-election to the town's governing body, the RTM, taunting Camillo like this. In fact, Kordick was repeatedly called out by Greenwich residents for posting nasty comments on social media, for trying to intimidate community members who attended a press conference held by former U.S. Senate candidate Leora Levy in 2022, and other concerning behavior.

Mark Kordick, filming people who attended a press conference with then U.S. Senate Candidate, Leora Levy.

Kordick, whose Twitter profile features a symbol from a Communist Chinese motorcycle enthusiast club, runs quite an account. It's filled with hateful, angry posts that regularly call people cowards, racists, transphobes, brownshirts, xenophobes, extremists, and the list goes on, taking a page right out of the Communist playbook so eloquently described at a recent event in Avon, CT.

Source: X (formerly, Twitter)

Kordick's rants on Facebook, especially those posted under articles and Op Eds published by the Greenwich Free Press, are prolific.

Whether the divisive strategy of name-calling and making mean-spirited social media posts will help Kordick get re-elected to the Town's governing body remains to be seen.

Greenwich residents interviewed by the Centinal asked to remain anonymous so that they didn't incur Kordick's wrath on social media.

But suffice it to say, they have had enough of the antagonizing behavior, and cited the antics of Kordick and other political animals as the inspiration for the record number of people running for RTM this year.

Source: Facebook

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